
In: Computer Science

Please edit the code with linked lists in C++ Please provide your BookData.txt file as well...

Please edit the code with linked lists in C++

Please provide your BookData.txt file as well

BookRecord.cpp file

#include "BookRecord.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

BookRecord::BookRecord() {

   strcpy_s(m_sName, "");
   m_lStockNum = 0;
   m_iClassification = 0;
   m_dCost = 0.0;
   m_iCount = 0;
BookRecord::BookRecord(const char* name, long sn, int cl, double cost) {

   strcpy_s(m_sName, name);
   m_lStockNum = sn;
   m_iClassification = cl;
   m_dCost = cost;
   m_iCount = 1;
BookRecord::~BookRecord() {
void BookRecord::getName(char* name) {
   for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
       *name++ = m_sName[i];
void BookRecord::setName(const char* name) {
   strcpy_s(m_sName, name);
long BookRecord::getStockNum() {
   return m_lStockNum;
void BookRecord::setStockNum(long sn) {
   m_lStockNum = sn;
void BookRecord::getClassification(int& cl) {
   cl = m_iClassification;
void BookRecord::setClassification(int cl) {
   m_iClassification = cl;
void BookRecord::getCost(double* c) {
   *c = m_dCost;
void BookRecord::setCost(double c) {
   m_dCost = c;
int BookRecord::getNumberInStock() {
   return m_iCount;
void BookRecord::setNumberInStock(int count) {
   m_iCount = count;
void BookRecord::printRecord(char FileOut[128]) {
   ofstream outFile;, std::ios_base::app);
   cout << endl << "Name: " << m_sName << " " << "Stock Num: " << getStockNum() << " " << "Classification: " << m_iClassification << " " << "Cost: " << m_dCost << " " << "Count: " << getNumberInStock() << " ";
   outFile << endl << "Name: " << m_sName << " " << "Stock Num: " << getStockNum() << " " << "Classification: " << m_iClassification << " " << "Cost: " << m_dCost << " " << "Count: " << getNumberInStock() << " ";

BookRecord.h file

#pragma once

class BookRecord {
   char m_sName[128]; // stores the name of the book or periodical
   long m_lStockNum; // stores a unique stock number for the book or periodical
   int m_iClassification; //codes spefic information about the book or periodical
   double m_dCost; //stores the cost of the book or periodical
   int m_iCount; //stores the number of copies of the item currently in the inventory

   BookRecord(); //constructor
   BookRecord(const char* name, long sn, int cl, double cost);
   ~BookRecord(); //destructor

   void getName(char* name);
   void setName(const char* name);
   long getStockNum();
   void setStockNum(long sn);
   void getClassification(int& cl);
   void setClassification(int cl);
   void getCost(double* c);
   void setCost(double c);
   int getNumberInStock();
   void setNumberInStock(int count);
   void printRecord(char outFile[128]);

All requirements stated and illustrated in the excerpt from the Software Requirements Specification (see below) shall be followed.

You will be required to meet ALL of the requirements stated below.

2.1 System Organization


This program shall be implemented in C++ as a sorted (ordered) linked list. With nodes ordered by stock number.


The class used to store information on each book shall shall be the BookRecord class developed in Programming Assignment 1 with appropriate modifications so that it can be used in a linked list.


All list functions shall be defined in a C++ class called Book_Inventory. The class shall be defined as follows:

// File: Book_Inventory.h
// Header file for a book inventory program implemented as a sorted linked list
// Note: All functions which print data on a book must print an appropriate
//       message if it fails to find any book(s) meeting the search criteria
#pragma once;

#include<iostream>  // This header lets you use cout and cin
#include<fstream>   // This header gives you all the file I/O functions
#include "BookRecord.h"

using namespace std; // This command lets you use all the I/O function and include headers w/o the ".h"

class Book_Inventory
        BookRecord     *m_pHead;                                // Pointer to the head of the list
        ifstream       m_InFile;                                // File containing the inventory

        Book_Inventory();                                       // Class constructor
        ~Book_Inventory();                                      // Class destructor. Must free all list memory
        void ClearList();                                       // Remove all items from the list
        bool readInventory(const char *filename);               // Read inventory file and build the list
        bool addBook(BookRecord *br);                           // Add the given book to the list 
        BookRecord *removeBook(long stockNum);                  // Remove a book from the list or print message if not found
        BookRecord *searchByStockNumber(long stockNum);         // Search by stock number return pointer to node or NULL if not found
        void searchByClassification(int cl);                    // Search for all books given classification, print all data
        void searchByCost(double min, double max);              // Search for all books within the given cost range
        int getNumberInStock(long sn);                          // Get number of books in stock for the given stock number 
        void printAll();                                        // Print all information on all books in the inventory.
        bool getNextLine(char *line, int lineLen);              // read next line from a file


The BookRecord class shall have the private variable BookRecord *m_pNext, and the public functions void setNext(BookRecord *next) and BookRecord *getNext() added to it


When data on a book is printed on the screen it shall be all on a single line in the following format:

   Title   Stock_Num   Classification    Cost   In Stock

   For example:
   Introduction to C++   12345    613   49.95   5


Format of the data file to be read shall be as follows:

   # Any line beginning with a pound sign shall be ignored as a comment line
   # First non-comment line will give the number of books in the file
   # Remaining lines will give the stock number, Title, classification,
   # cost and number in stock. Each shall be on a separate line.
   # Example:
   CS221 A Programming Challenge
   # etc. for the remaining books in this list.

Note: Do not assume that the data file that will be used to test your program will be the same as the example provided.


Source code which can be adapted for use in the readInventory() function will be provided from the company Code Reuse Library.


The getClassification function in BookRecord shall be modified so that it functions as a "normal" get function, that is it shall return the classification value. Prototype the function as follows:

     int getClassification();


The getCost function in BookRecord shall be modified so that it functions as a "normal" get function, that is it shall return the cost value. Prototype the function as follows:

     double getCost();

Source Code Reuse Library

The following function fragment shows how to open a file and start to read lines from the file
using the getNextLine() function. Either the Book_Inventory.h file or the Book_Inventory.cpp
file will have to #include <string.h>, <stdlib.h>, <iostream> and <fstream> and include
the line using namespace std for this to work.

// Function: readInventory()
// Purpose: Read the inventory data file and
//              build the list.
// Returns: True if successful read
bool Book_Inventory::readInventory(const char *filename)
     char     line[128];
     int      numBooks;
     // define other variables here as needed, ifstream::in); 
        // m_InFile.is_open() returns false if the file could not be found or
        //    if for some other reason the open failed.
        cout << "Unable to open file" << filename << "\nProgram terminating...\n";
        return false;
    // Read number of books
    getNextLine(line, 128);
    numBooks = atoi(line);
    for(int i=0; i<numBooks; i++)

        // ------------------------------------------
        // Your code to read the inventory goes here
        // ------------------------------------------
    return true;

The atoi() (Ascii TO Integer) function is found in stdlib.h. It takes a string
(character array) as an argument. The string must be a string representation of an
integer value. For example: "25". The function then parses the string and returns
the int value represented by the string. There are also two other functions in stdlib.h
which may be useful. These are atof() (Ascii TO Float) which returns a double
value and atol() (Ascii TO Long) which returns a long value.

The following function can be added to your Book_Inventory class as a private function.
It uses a class variable called m_InFile that is a reference to an open text file (opened by
the readInventory() function) and will read the next line from the file storing it in the
character array pointed to by line which should be a minimum of 128 characters in length.
The lineLen argument gives the length of the array. getNextLine() will skip any comment lines
(those starting with #) and blank lines. It returns an empty string after the last line in
the file has been read.

// Function: getNextLine() 
// Purpose:  Read a line from a data file.
//   The next non-comment line read from file
//   is stored in line char array.
//   An empty string is stored if the end of
//   file is reached.
// Returns: bool - true if a valid line was
//   read, false if end of file is reached. 
bool Book_Inventory::getNextLine(char *line, int lineLen)
    int    done = false;
        m_InFile.getline(line, lineLen);
        if(m_InFile.good())    // If a line was successfully read
            if(strlen(line) == 0)  // Skip any blank lines
            else if(line[0] == '#')  // Skip any comment lines
            else return true;    // Got a valid data line so return with this line
        else // No valid line read, meaning we reached the end of file
            strcpy(line, ""); // Copy empty string into line as sentinal value
            return false;
    } // end while
    return false; // Cannot reach this point but include a return to avoid compiler warning
                  //   that not all paths return a value.


Expert Solution

Here I am attaching code for these files:


#include "Book_Inventory.h"
using namespace std;

int main()

   Book_Inventory *Store = new Book_Inventory();
   BookRecord *Book1 = new BookRecord("Hello World!", 2345, 343, 56.45);
   BookRecord *Book2 = new BookRecord("Text", 4561, 2342, 3.45);
   BookRecord *Book3 = new BookRecord("The virtues of stuff", 2345, 443, 3.99);
   BookRecord *Book4 = new BookRecord();
   BookRecord *book = new BookRecord();
   book = Store->searchByStockNumber(2345);
   return 0;


#include "BookRecord.h"
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

//Default BookRecord Constructor
//Sets each value to null.
   strcpy(m_sName, "");
   m_lStockNum = 0;
   m_iClassification = 0;
   m_dCost = 0.0;
   m_iCount = 0;
   m_pNext = NULL;

//Overloaded BookRecord Constructor
//Sets each value to respected argument.
BookRecord::BookRecord(char *name, long sn, int cl, double cost)
   strcpy(m_sName, name);
   m_lStockNum = sn;
   m_iClassification = cl;
   m_dCost = cost;
   m_iCount = 1;
   m_pNext = NULL;

//BookRecord Destructor
//Deletes BookRecord instance.

//BookRecord setName
//Sets book name to given argument
void BookRecord::setName(char *name)
   strcpy(m_sName, name);

//BookRecord getName
//Returns value m_sName
void BookRecord::getName(char *name)
   strcpy(name, m_sName);

//BookRecord setStockNum
//Sets the book stock number to given argument.
void BookRecord::setStockNum(long sn)
   m_lStockNum = sn;

//BookRecord getStockNum
//Returns value m_lStockNum
long BookRecord::getStockNum()
   return m_lStockNum;

//BookRecord setClassification
//Sets the book classification to given argument
void BookRecord::setClassification(int cl)
   m_iClassification = cl;

//BookRecord getClassification
//Returns value m_iClassification
void BookRecord::getClassification(int& cl)
   cl = m_iClassification;

//BookRecord setCost
//Sets the book cost to the given argument
void BookRecord::setCost(double c)
   m_dCost = c;

//BookRecord getCost
//Returns the value m_dCost
double BookRecord::getCost()
   return m_dCost;

//BookRecord setNumberInStock
//Sets number in stock to given argument
void BookRecord::setNumberInStock(int count)
   m_iCount = count;

//BookRecord getNumberInStock
//Returns the value m_iCount
int BookRecord::getNumberInStock()
   return m_iCount;

//BookRecord printRecord
//Prints the information about the book
void BookRecord::printRecord()
   cout<<m_sName<<" ";
   cout<<m_lStockNum<<" ";
   cout<<m_iClassification<<" ";
   cout<<m_dCost<<" ";

void BookRecord::setNext(BookRecord *next)
   m_pNext = next;

BookRecord* BookRecord::getNext()
   return m_pNext;


#include <iostream>

class BookRecord
       char m_sName[128];
       long m_lStockNum;
       int m_iClassification;
       double m_dCost;
       int m_iCount;
       BookRecord *m_pNext;

       BookRecord(char *name, long sn, int cl, double cost);
       void getName(char *name);
       void setName(char *name);
       long getStockNum();
       void setStockNum(long sn);
       void getClassification(int& cl);
       void setClassification(int cl);
       double getCost();
       void setCost(double c);
       int getNumberInStock();
       void setNumberInStock(int count);
       void printRecord();
       void setNext(BookRecord *next);
       BookRecord *getNext();



#include "Book_Inventory.h"
using namespace std;

//This is the constructor for the class.
//It sets head to null.
   m_pHead = NULL;

//This is the destructor for the class.
//It clears the list.

//The function ClearList removes each book from the list.
void Book_Inventory::ClearList()
   BookRecord *temp;

   if(m_pHead != NULL)//Checks to make sure the list isn't empty.
       temp = m_pHead;
       while(m_pHead != NULL)//Goes through the list until it ends.
           temp = m_pHead;
           m_pHead = m_pHead->getNext();//Sets the head to the next node.
           delete temp;//Removes the node.


//This function reads the file and sets each line to their appropriate value.
//Except for the nested for loop, this function was taken from the code reuse library.
bool Book_Inventory::readInventory(char *filename)
   char line[128];
int numBooks;
// define other variables here as needed, ifstream::in);
// m_InFile.is_open() returns false if the file could not be found or
// if for some other reason the open failed.
cout << "Unable to open file" << filename << "\nProgram terminating...\n";
return false;
// Read number of books
getNextLine(line, 128);
numBooks = atoi(line);
   for(int i=0; i<numBooks; i++)
       //The first loop creates a new Book Record for each book in the file.
       //The nested for loop to reach the five lines that create a Book Record.
       //The if statements sort out each line and set them to their appropriate values.
       //When the last line is reached, the book is added to the list.
       BookRecord *Book = new BookRecord();
       for(int j=0; j<=4; j++)
           getNextLine(line, 128);
           if(j == 0)
           else if(j == 1)
           else if(j == 2)
           else if(j == 3)
           else if(j == 4)


return true;


//The addBook function adds a Book Record to the end of the list.
bool Book_Inventory::addBook(BookRecord *br)
   BookRecord *temp, *back, *newNode = br;
   long key = newNode->getStockNum();

   if(newNode == NULL)
       return false;

   //If the head of the list is empty, the head is set to the book.
   if(m_pHead == NULL)
       m_pHead = newNode;
   else //If head exists, the function searches for the end of the list and attaches the book there.
       temp = m_pHead;
       back = NULL;
       while((temp != NULL) && (temp->getStockNum() < key))
           back = temp;
           temp = temp->getNext();
       if(back == NULL)
           m_pHead = newNode;

   return true;


//The function removeBook searches for the stock number
//of a Book Record and removes that book from the list.
bool Book_Inventory::removeBook(long stockNum)
   BookRecord *temp, *back;

   if(m_pHead == NULL)
       return false;

   temp = m_pHead;
   back = NULL;
   while((temp != NULL) && (stockNum != temp->getStockNum()))//The function moves down the list
   {                                                       //until it find the right stock number or reaches the end.
       back = temp;
       temp = temp->getNext();
   //If the list has reached the end and no book is found, a message is printed.
   if(temp == NULL)
       cout<<"Book Not Found.\n";
       return false;
   else if(back == NULL)//If the book is at the head,
   {                   // head points to the next node and the book is removed.
       m_pHead = m_pHead->getNext();
       delete temp;
   else//If the book is not at the head,
   {   // the node before the target is set to the node after the target.
       delete temp;//The target is deleted.
   return true;

//The function searchByStockNumber searches the list for books
//with the given stock number and prints their information.
BookRecord* Book_Inventory::searchByStockNumber(long stockNum)
   BookRecord *temp;
   bool isFound = false;
   temp = m_pHead;

   //The function searches the list until it reaches the end.
   while(temp != NULL)
       if(stockNum == temp->getStockNum())//The book information is printed if it's found.
           return temp;
       temp = temp->getNext();
   if(isFound == false)//If the target is not found, a message is printed.
           cout<<"Item not found."<<endl;
           return NULL;

//The function searchByClassification searches
//for a book by the given classification number
//and prints the information.
void Book_Inventory::searchByClassification(int cl)
   BookRecord *temp;
   int tempCL;//Since BookRecord::getClassification() is a
           //pass by reference function, tempCL is used to
           //obtain the classification number of the book.

   temp = m_pHead;

   //This for loop searches the list until it ends.
   for( ; temp !=NULL; temp=temp->getNext())
       if(tempCL == cl) //If the classification numbers match,
           temp->printRecord();//the information is printed.

//The function searchByCost searches
//for each book that falls within the given
//price range.
void Book_Inventory::searchByCost(double min, double max)
   BookRecord *temp;

   temp = m_pHead;

   while((temp != NULL))//The list is searched until it ends.
       //Checks to see if the if the cost of the book falls between min and max.
       if((temp->getCost() >= min) && (temp->getCost() <= max))
       temp->printRecord();//If it does, the information is printed.
       temp = temp->getNext();

//The function getNumberInStock searches
//for a specific book by its stock number.
//If the book is found, its information is printed.
long Book_Inventory::getNumberInStock(long sn)
   BookRecord *temp;

   temp = m_pHead;

   //The function searches the list until it ends or the matching stock number is found.
   while((temp != NULL) && (sn != temp->getStockNum()))
       temp = temp->getNext();
   if(temp == NULL)//If the match isn't found, a message is printed.
       cout<<"Item not found."<<endl;
   else//If there is a match, the number in stock is printed.
   return 0;

//The function printAll goes through
//the list and prints off each book Record.
void Book_Inventory::printAll()
   BookRecord *temp;
   temp = m_pHead;
   while(temp != NULL)//The while loop runs through the list until it ends.
       temp = temp->getNext();

//This function is nessessary to get each line in the file.
//It was taken from the code reuse library.
bool Book_Inventory::getNextLine(char *line, size_t lineLen)
   int done = false;
m_InFile.getline(line, lineLen);

if(m_InFile.good()) // If a line was successfully read
if(strlen(line) == 0) // Skip any blank lines
else if(line[0] == '#') // Skip any comment lines
else return true; // Got a valid data line so return with this line
else // No valid line read, meaning we reached the end of file
strcpy(line, ""); // Copy empty string into line as sentinal value
return false;
} // end while
return false; // Cannot reach this point but include a return to avoid compiler warning
// that not all paths return a value.



#include<iostream> // This header lets you use cout and cin
#include<fstream> // This header gives you all the file I/O functions
#include "BookRecord.h"

using namespace std; // This command lets you use all the I/O function and include headers w/o the ".h"

class Book_Inventory
BookRecord *m_pHead; // Pointer to the head of the list
ifstream m_InFile; // File containing the inventory

Book_Inventory(); // Class constructor
~Book_Inventory(); // Class destructor. Must free all list memory
void ClearList(); // Remove all items from the list
bool readInventory(char *filename); // Read inventory file and build the list
bool addBook(BookRecord *br); // Add the given book to the list
bool removeBook(long stockNum); // Remove a book from the list or print message if not found
BookRecord* searchByStockNumber(long stockNum);// Search by stock number, print all data or message if not found
void searchByClassification(int cl); // Search for all books given classification, print all data
void searchByCost(double min, double max);// Search for all books within the given cost range
long getNumberInStock(long sn); // Get number of books in stock for the given stock number
void printAll(); // Print all information on all books in the inventory.
bool getNextLine(char *line, size_t lineLen); // read next line from a file

Sample Output Screenshot:-


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