
In: Biology

Are there any tests that distinguish Enterococcus organisms from other Gram positive organisms?

Are there any tests that distinguish Enterococcus organisms from other Gram positive organisms? And what does such a test use that distinguishes them.


Expert Solution


According to the given question-

  • Enterococcus microorganism are  gram-positive, have cocci shape generally in diplococci and also sometimes in short chains, found in humans  intestines such as E. faecalis.
  • Streptococcus species are also gram-positive and have similar structure as Enterococcus microorganism. so the Enterococcus microorganism are differentiated from the other gram positive microorganism by -
  • Bile esculin agar used as selective and differential medium for identification of  enterococci from streptococci.
  • This test is based on the ability of microorganism to hydrolyze esculin.
  • Bile esculin agar contains bile salt such as oxgall which inhibit gram positive microorganisms growth except  enterococci.
  • This medium also contains esculin, and ferric citrate. the microorganism which can hydrolyzes glycoside esculin which is a sugar bonded through acetyl linkage with  alcohol made up of glucose and esculetin into esculetin and dextrose.
  • Then esculetin after reaction with ferric citrate form a phenolic iron complex of  dark brown or colour. This is positive result for Enterococcus microorganism.

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