
In: Statistics and Probability

Does watching the Dodgers increase stress levels? A researcher wanted to know! He had participants rate...

Does watching the Dodgers increase stress levels? A researcher wanted to know! He had participants rate their stress on an 11 point scale before Game 7 of that horrible 2017 World Series. He then had the participants rate their stress during the game. The data is as follows:

Stress before that horrible game Stress during that horrible game
2 11
3 10
1 9
4 11
2 8
5 10
1 5

a. Identify the two groups:
b. State the null and research hypothesis:
c. Figure out the numbers you need:
What is N (the total number of DIFFERENCE SCORES)?
The population mean is always 0
What is the Mean Difference (the Sample mean)? _______________________
Now, what is the sum of squares? (X – M)2 ____________________________
What is the degrees of freedom? (N-1) _________
What is the variance? (X – M)2 / (N-1) _________________________
What is the standard deviation? s = (X – M)2 / (N-1)____________________
What is the standard error? sM = s/ (hint: use the standard deviation you just found) __________
Now, you have everything you need for
d. calculate the t-statistic (t = (M – μ)/sM) __________________________
e. What is the critical value? Use the value you got from N-1, and look for the number that is under .05 ___________________________
f. What decision do you make here? _______________________________________


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