
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program to maintain a fixed size library of 1024 documents, whose size randomly...

Write a C++ program to maintain a fixed size library of 1024 documents, whose size randomly ranges between 2MB to 3MB.


Expert Solution

he thing to remember with C++ memory management is ownership. If the LoadAndSetupData data is not going to take ownership of the string, then it's still your responsibility. Since you can't delete it immediately (because of the asynchronicity issue), you're going to have to hold on to those pointers until such time as you know you can delete them.

Maintain a pool of strings that you have created:

If you have some point in time where you know that the queue has been completely dealt with, you can simply delete all the strings in the pool.
If you know that all strings created after a certain point in time have been dealt with, then keep track of when the strings were created, and you can delete that subset. - If you can somehow find out when an individual string has been dealt with, then just delete that string.

class StringPool
struct StringReference {
char *buffer;
time_t created;
} *Pool;

size_t PoolSize;
size_t Allocated;

static const size_t INITIAL_SIZE = 1024;

void GrowBuffer()
StringReference *newPool = new StringReference[PoolSize * 2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < Allocated; ++i)
newPool[i] = Pool[i];
StringReference *oldPool = Pool;
Pool = newPool;
delete[] oldPool;


StringPool() : Pool(new StringReference[INITIAL_SIZE]), PoolSize(INITIAL_SIZE)

delete[] Pool;

char *GetBuffer(size_t size)
if (Allocated == PoolSize)
Pool[Allocated].buffer = new char[size];
Pool[Allocated].buffer = time(NULL);

void ClearPool()
for (size_t i = 0; i < Allocated; ++i)
delete[] Pool[i].buffer;
Allocated = 0;

void ClearBefore(time_t knownCleared)
size_t newAllocated = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Allocated; ++i)
if (Pool[i].created < knownCleared)
delete[] Pool[i].buffer;
Pool[newAllocated] = Pool[i];
Allocated = newAllocated;

// This compares pointers, not strings!
void ReleaseBuffer(char *knownCleared)
size_t newAllocated = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Allocated; ++i)
if (Pool[i].buffer == knownCleared)
delete[] Pool[i].buffer;
Pool[newAllocated] = Pool[i];
Allocated = newAllocated;


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