In: Mechanical Engineering
circle most appropiate choice
1a. Which of the following forces is NOT a conservative force?
a. friction force
b. spring force
c. gravitational force
d. none of the above
1b. In which circumstance is the force of friction between two surfaces at its maximum magnitude?
(Note: subscripts s and k specify the static and dynamic conditions, respectively.)
a. When friction angle satises (Φ < Φs)
b. When friction angle satises (Φ = Φs)
c. When friction angle satises (Φ = Φk)
d. None of the above
1c. Which of the following labels is WRONG?
a. 10e-6 : micro
b. 10e-9 : nano
c. 10e-12 : atto
d. 10e-15 : femto
1d. In curvilinear kinematics, when using the normal and tangential components to express the particle acceleration, the normal acceleration is always _________________.
a. positive
b. negative
c. pointing toward the center of curvature
d. choices a and c
1e. Which one of the following equations are WRONG with respect to cartesian unit vectors i, j, k, along x, y, and z axes, respectively? (Note: (X) indicates the cross product of two vectors)
a. i X j = k
b. k X j = -i
c. k X i = -j
d. j X j = 0