
In: Computer Science

Program in C++ **********Write a program to compute the number of collisions required in a long...

Program in C++

**********Write a program to compute the number of collisions required in a long random sequence of insertions using linear probing, quadratic probing and double hashing. For simplicity, only integers will be hashed and the hash function h(x) = x % D where D is the size of the table (fixed size of 1001). The simulation should continue until the quadratic hashing fails.*********


Expert Solution

1. Linear Probing


using namespace std;

int main()

const int MAX_SIZE = 11;
int collisions = 0;
int array[MAX_SIZE];
bool flags[MAX_SIZE];

for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)
array[i] = 0;
flags[i] = false;


//<Inserting numbers in hash table using linear probing
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 67, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 19, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 3, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 808, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 337, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 1, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 86, collisions);
Linear_Probing(array, flags, MAX_SIZE, 38, collisions);

return 0;

bool Linear_Probing(int array[], bool flags[], int MAX_SIZE, int number, int &collisions)
int dummy_collisions = 0;
int index = Index_Finder(number, flags, MAX_SIZE, dummy_collisions);

if (index == -1)
return false;

collisions += dummy_collisions;

array[index] = number;
flags[index] = true;
return true;

int Index_Finder(int number, bool flags[], int MAX_SIZE, int &collisions)
int index = Hash(number);

if (index < MAX_SIZE && !flags[index])
return index;

if (index >= MAX_SIZE)
index = 0;

if (!flags[index])
return index;



int limit = index;

return Index_Finder(flags, MAX_SIZE, ++index, limit, collisions);


int Index_Finder(bool flags[], int MAX_SIZE, int index, int limit, int &collisions)
if (limit == index)
return -1;

if (index == MAX_SIZE)
index = 0;

if (!flags[index])
return index;

return Index_Finder(flags, MAX_SIZE, ++index, limit, collisions);

int Hash(int number)
int first_digit = 0, last_digit = 0;
bool first_time = true;

while (number > 0)
if (first_time)
first_digit = number % 10;
number -= (number % 10);
number /= 10;
first_time = false;

last_digit = number % 10;
number -= (number % 10);
number /= 10;

return (first_digit + last_digit);

2. Quadratic Probing

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#define MIN_TABLE_SIZE 10
using namespace std;

enum EntryType {Legitimate, Empty, Deleted};

struct HashNode
int element;
enum EntryType info;

struct HashTable
int size;
HashNode *table;

bool isPrime (int n)
if (n == 2 || n == 3)
return true;
if (n == 1 || n % 2 == 0)
return false;
for (int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
if (n % i == 0)
return false;
return true;

int nextPrime(int n)
if (n <= 0)
n == 3;
if (n % 2 == 0)
for (; !isPrime( n ); n += 2);
return n;
int HashFunc(int key, int size)
return key % size;

HashTable *initializeTable(int size)
HashTable *htable;
if (size < MIN_TABLE_SIZE)
cout<<"Table Size Too Small"<<endl;
return NULL;
htable = new HashTable;
if (htable == NULL)
cout<<"Out of Space"<<endl;
return NULL;
htable->size = nextPrime(size);
htable->table = new HashNode [htable->size];
if (htable->table == NULL)
cout<<"Table Size Too Small"<<endl;
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < htable->size; i++)
htable->table[i].info = Empty;
htable->table[i].element = NULL;
return htable;
int Find(int key, HashTable *htable)
int pos = HashFunc(key, htable->size);
int collisions = 0;
while (htable->table[pos].info != Empty &&
htable->table[pos].element != key)
pos = pos + 2 * ++collisions -1;
if (pos >= htable->size)
pos = pos - htable->size;
return pos;
void Insert(int key, HashTable *htable)
int pos = Find(key, htable);
if (htable->table[pos].info != Legitimate)
htable->table[pos].info = Legitimate;
htable->table[pos].element = key;

HashTable *Rehash(HashTable *htable)
int size = htable->size;
HashNode *table = htable->table;
htable = initializeTable(2 * size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (table[i].info == Legitimate)
Insert(table[i].element, htable);
return htable;
void Retrieve(HashTable *htable)
for (int i = 0; i < htable->size; i++)
int value = htable->table[i].element;
if (!value)
cout<<"Position: "<<i + 1<<" Element: Null"<<endl;
cout<<"Position: "<<i + 1<<" Element: "<<value<<endl;


int main()
int value, size, pos, i = 1;
int choice;
HashTable *htable;
cout<<"Operations on Quadratic Probing"<<endl;
cout<<"1.Initialize size of the table"<<endl;
cout<<"2.Insert element into the table"<<endl;
cout<<"3.Display Hash Table"<<endl;
cout<<"4.Rehash The Table"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter your choice: ";
case 1:
cout<<"Enter size of the Hash Table: ";
htable = initializeTable(size);
cout<<"Size of Hash Table: "<<nextPrime(size);
case 2:
if (i > htable->size)
cout<<"Table is Full, Rehash the table"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter element to be inserted: ";
Insert(value, htable);
case 3:
case 4:
htable = Rehash(htable);
case 5:
cout<<"\nEnter correct option\n";
return 0;

3. Double Hashing

#include <iostream>
#define MIN_TABLE_SIZE 11
using namespace std;

enum EntryType {Legitimate, Empty, Deleted};

struct HashNode
int element;
enum EntryType info;

struct HashTable
int size;
HashNode *table;

int HashFunc1(int key, int size)
return key % size;

int HashFunc2(int key, int size)
return (key * size - 1) % size;

HashTable *initializeTable(int size)
HashTable *htable;
if (size < MIN_TABLE_SIZE)
cout<<"Table Size Too Small"<<endl;
return NULL;
htable = new HashTable;
if (htable == NULL)
cout<<"Out of Space"<<endl;
return NULL;
htable->size = size;
htable->table = new HashNode [htable->size];
if (htable->table == NULL)
cout<<"Table Size Too Small"<<endl;
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < htable->size; i++)
htable->table[i].info = Empty;
htable->table[i].element = NULL;
return htable;

int Find(int key, HashTable *htable)
int hashVal= HashFunc1(key, htable->size);
int stepSize= HashFunc2(key, htable->size);
while (htable->table[hashVal].info != Empty &&
htable->table[hashVal].element != key)
hashVal = hashVal + stepSize;
hashVal = hashVal % htable->size;
return hashVal;

void Insert(int key, HashTable *htable)
int pos = Find(key, htable);
if (htable->table[pos].info != Legitimate )
htable->table[pos].info = Legitimate;
htable->table[pos].element = key;

HashTable *Rehash(HashTable *htable)
int size = htable->size;
HashNode *table = htable->table;
htable = initializeTable(2 * size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (table[i].info == Legitimate)
Insert(table[i].element, htable);
return htable;

void Retrieve(HashTable *htable)
for (int i = 0; i < htable->size; i++)
int value = htable->table[i].element;
if (!value)
cout<<"Position: "<<i + 1<<" Element: Null"<<endl;
cout<<"Position: "<<i + 1<<" Element: "<<value<<endl;


int main()
int value, size, pos, i = 1;
int choice;
HashTable *htable;
cout<<"Operations on Double Hashing"<<endl;
cout<<"1.Initialize size of the table"<<endl;
cout<<"2.Insert element into the table"<<endl;
cout<<"3.Display Hash Table"<<endl;
cout<<"4.Rehash The Table"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter your choice: ";
case 1:
cout<<"Enter size of the Hash Table: ";
htable = initializeTable(size);
case 2:
if (i > htable->size)
cout<<"Table is Full, Rehash the table"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter element to be inserted: ";
Insert(value, htable);
case 3:
case 4:
htable = Rehash(htable);
case 5:
cout<<"\nEnter correct option\n";
return 0;

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