
In: Computer Science

Using cImage in Python, how to create an image of a sunset (at least 400 by...

Using cImage in Python, how to create an image of a sunset (at least 400 by 400 pixels), black at the top, becoming redder/yellower lower down. Also, randomly place in the sky a given number of white stars of random size of either one pixel or 4 (adjacent) pixels


Expert Solution

Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. If not, PLEASE let me know before you rate, I’ll help you fix whatever issues. Thanks

Note: Please maintain proper code spacing (indentation), just copy the code part and paste it in your compiler/IDE directly, no modifications required.

#code with no comments, for easy copying

import image
import random

def create_sunset(num_stars=10):
    for i in range(picture.getHeight()):
        for j in range(picture.getWidth()):
    for i in range(num_stars):
    return picture

win = image.ImageWin("Image", 400, 400)
img = create_sunset(20)

#same code with comments, for learning

import image
import random

# method to create a 400x400 sunset image, and add num_stars number of stars
def create_sunset(num_stars=10):
    # creating a 400x400 image
    picture = image.EmptyImage(400, 400)
    # dividing 255 by height to get a value to interpolate between colors
    divisions = 255 / picture.getHeight()
    # looping through each row
    for i in range(picture.getHeight()):
        # based on the row, creating a pixel. it will be darker in top, and reddish/yellow in bottom
        # change 0.7 to 0.6 or 0.8 depending on you much reddish yellow you want.
        pix = image.Pixel(int(divisions * i), int(divisions * i * 0.7), 0)
        # looping through each column in current row, filling with this pixel
        for j in range(picture.getWidth()):
            picture.setPixel(j, i, pix)
    # creating a pixel for white color
    pix = image.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    # looping for num_stars number of times
    for i in range(num_stars):
        # generating a random set of row and col indices
        # making sure that row is somewhere at the top (sky)
        row = random.randrange(0, picture.getHeight() // 3)
        col = random.randrange(0, picture.getWidth())
        # filling that position with white
        picture.setPixel(col, row, pix)
    # returning picture
    return picture

# creating a window, creating and displaying a sunset image, with 20 stars
win = image.ImageWin("Image", 400, 400)
img = create_sunset(20)


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