
In: Computer Science

Write a Java program (single file/class) whose filename must be The program reads a list...

Write a Java program (single file/class) whose filename must be

The program reads a list of integers from use input and has the following methods:

1. min - Finds the smallest integer in the list.

2. max- Finds the largest integer in the list.

3. average - Computes the average of all the numbers.

4. main - method prompts the user for the inputs and ends when the user enter Q or q and then neatly outputs the entire list of entries on one line and then the minimum, maximum, and average. values on separate lines with nice readable labels.

5. Make sure your code runs without error and handles bad inputs and 0 and negative numbers are valid.

6. Followed instructions and include to get full credit file must include your name, date, class and Javadoc code comments for each and every method as well as logic comments.


Expert Solution


// Your name here
// date of assignment
// class

import java.util.*;

public class Numbers
       /** main method gets user input and calls various methods
       public static void main(String args[])
           //scanner object to get user input
           Scanner ob=new Scanner(;
           // variable to store the user input
           String input="";
           //list to store the user input integers
            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
           //infinite loop
               //user input
               System.out.print("Enter a integer: ");
               // checking for breaking the loop
               if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("Q"))
                   //converting string into int and stored in the list
               catch(NumberFormatException e)
                   //error message when non integer is input from the user
                   System.out.println("\nError: Please enter a valid integer\n");
           //displaying the list of integers
           System.out.println("\nIntegers in the list: ");
           for(Integer i: list)
           //calling the method to find the largest integer
           //calling the method to find the minimum integer
           //calling the method to find the average
       /** method to find the largest number in the list
           @param list a list of integers
       static void max(ArrayList<Integer> list)
           //variable to store the maximum integer
           int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
           //iterating over a list of integers
           for(Integer i: list)
               //checking for maximum integer
               if (i> max)
               //storing the maximum integer
           //printing the maximum integer
           System.out.println("\nLargest integer in the list: "+max);

       /** method to find the smallest number in the list
           @param list a list of integers
       static void min(ArrayList<Integer> list)
           //variable to store the minimum integer
           int min=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
           //iterating over a list of integers
           for(Integer i: list)
               //checking for minimum integer
               if (i< min)
               //storing the minimum integer
           //printing the maximum integer
           System.out.println("\nSmallest integer in the list: "+min);
       /** method to find the average of integers in the list
           @param list a list of integers
       static void average(ArrayList<Integer> list)
           //variable to store total and counter
           int total=0;
           int count=0;
           //looping over a list           
           for(Integer i: list)
               //calculating the total
               //incrementing the counter
           //calculating the average
           double average=(double)total/(double)count;
           //printing the average
           System.out.println("\nAverage: "+String.format("%.2f", average));


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