In: Statistics and Probability
The following table contains results from the regression of sales price (y) on lot size (x1), number of bedrooms (x2), number of bathrooms(x3) and number of storeys (x4). Sales price is the dependent variable and x1,x2,x3,x4 are independent variables.
R2 = 0.54
F= stat = 48.3235
p value and F - stat of 1.18E - 88
n > 30.
a. Write down the least square prediction equation
b.use R2 to check the validity of the model.
c use " t-stat" to check the validity of the coefficient at 5 % sig. level
d.use P value to check the validity of the coefficient at 1% sig level
e verbally explain each coefficient
f. check the validity of the model at 5% sig level ( use F stat and its P value )
a. The least square prediction equation for y using the 4 predictors can be expressed as:
b. The coefficient of determination R2 = 0.54.It implies that the 4 predictors together explains about 54% variation in y. It suggests a moderately efficient fit to the data.
c. The t-statistic for testing the significance of the slope corresponding to each of the 4 each of the 4 predictors tests the hypothesis:
If the test statistic t exceeds the critical value, ( |t| >
we may reject H0 at
level of significance.We may then conclude that 'i' is significant
in predicting the response 'y'.
d. If the p-value of the slope coefficient for the predictor is
less than the significance level, we may reject H0 at
level of significance.
e. The coefficient of determination is a measure to validate the model and test its goodness of fit to the data.It gives the amount of variation in y that is explained by the predictors of the model.It ranges from 0 to 1.The higher the R2, the better the model)
The t test statistic and the p- value are the measures using which conclusions are drawn as to whether the coefficient or the test is significant or not.
f. Comparing the F statistic with the critical value, obtained from F table, and looking at the p value 0.000<0.05, we may conclude that the model is significant at 5% level.
It may be inferred that the predictors contribute significantly towards explaining the response variable through this linear model.