GDP is a monetary measure of the market value of all goods and
- It is the indicator used to represent the health of a county's
- Represents the dollar value of goods and services over a time
- Can be measured by three methods:-
- Out put method:-. This measures the market value of goods and
services produced with in the country.
- Expenditure method:- measures the total Expenditure on goods
and services with in the domestic boundaries of a country.
Income method:- It is the total income obtained by the factors
of production that in the capital and labour with in the
- Economy's total output is equal to the value of goods and
services produced in a country.
- It is the quantity of goods or services produced in a given
period of time by industryor country.
- The concept of output is essential in the field of macro
- It is a national output that makes a country rich.
- Out put is the total Economic activity in the production of
goods and services in a given period.
- It is a tool used in Economic analysis to determine whether an
Economy is growing out put or contracting by comparing out
- Economic out put measures the value of all sales of goods and
- It is the sum of the final purchases and intermediate inputs
resulting in the double counting of purchases.
The values of final goods and services produced can be added
directly,or the values added at each stage in the production can be