In: Computer Science
What is database normalization?
What is Null values?
What is Redunda?ncy
a) Database Normaliztion :
Database Normalization is a process to reconstruct the database in order to reduce the data redundancy and helps to improve the data intigrity. Normalization helps to properly organizing the rows and columns in efficient manner. There are following types of normalization : 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF and 5 NF where NF stands for Normal Form and BCNF stands for Boycee Code Normal Form.
b) Null values
Null values are the values that are filled to be blank. means there is no value exist for that attribute in particular record.
c) Redundancy :
Redundancy is termed as duplicacy. In the proper database there should not be exist duplicate data means no same data or same type of data can be stored multiple time becasue it leads to more memory consumption and inaccuracy of data.