
In: Computer Science

Question 2 (Marks: 50) John has recently retired from an administrative, yet technical job which he...

Question 2 (Marks: 50)

John has recently retired from an administrative, yet technical job which he held for 40 years. He
decided to pursue a life-long dream – leather works. John’s life-long dream quickly became a
booming business and orders for purses, shoes, bags and belts were streaming in. You being a
nifty IT student, you quickly saw how you could develop a system that would help John manage
his business.

You managed to convince John that a new information system will benefit him greatly. Since you
are developing a new information system for John, he decided that it would be appropriate for
him to also purchase a new computer system. John has provided you with a budget of R10 000
and asked you to source the computer system for him. He indicated that whatever remains of the
R10 000 after you have sourced the computer system, you can keep as payment for your efforts.

Q.2.1 Provide a detailed hardware specification for the computer system to be sourced
for John. The hardware specification should centre around the main components
common to all computer systems and should specify details such as make, model,
cost, power or capacity and supplier.

Note: Evidence of research is necessary.

Q.2.2 Which class of computer system are you purchasing for John? Motivate your
answer. Also state the variant.

Q.2.3 Provide a detailed software specification for John’s computer. The software
specification should detail the type of software, the name of the software
application, the purpose of the software application, the cost of the software and
the supplier from whom it will be purchased. The software should be carefully
selected so as to also protect John against cyber threats.

Note: Evidence of research is necessary.   

Q.2.4 Conduct additional research. Explain the concept ‘Total Cost of Ownership’. Then,
calculate the Total Cost of Ownership for John’s computer system.

Note: Evidence of research is necessary.


Expert Solution

Ans 2.1

Hardware required :

1. Central processing unit :-processors running at speeds of 2 GHz or above will be enough for most business functions

2 Random access memory (RAM):at least 2GB of RAM or preferably 4 GB

3 Hard disk : at least 500GB of hard disk space

4 Peripherals:-Keyboard ,mouse and monitor


PC personal computers  or Micro-computers because of the increase in availability and ease of use.

Ans 3

Chrome :- Type -Search engine ,It can be downloaded for free .

Wix : Type -Website Builder, used to build websites for running business or for  search engine optimizaton

G Suite : Document Management Software , To do the calculations or make presentations or for data visualization ,statistics ,finance etc

MailChimp : Email Marketing Software,For digital marketing used to send mails to customers and to advertise products.

Ans 4

Total cost of ownership = Cost of hardware +cost of software+ cost on advertisement

=Rs 60,000 + Rs 5000+ Rs 10,000

=Rs 75000

=$ 1071

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