
In: Statistics and Probability

The Excel file BankData shows the values of the following variables for randomly selected 93 employees...

The Excel file BankData shows the values of the following variables for randomly selected 93 employees of a large bank. (A very similar data set was used in a court lawsuit against discrimination.)  


= monthly salary in dollars (SALARY),

= years of schooling at the time of hire (EDUCAT),

= number of months of previous work experience (EXPER),

= number of months that the individual was hired by the bank (MONTHS),

= dummy variable coded 1 for males and 0 for females (MALE).

Using the t-test studied in Section 10.2, you could find some evidence that the mean salary of all male employees is greater than the mean salaries of all female employees, and hence provide some support for a discrimination suit against the employer. It is recognized, however, that a simplecomparison of the mean salaries might be insufficient to conclude that the female employees have been discriminated against. Obviously there are other factors that affect the salary. These factors have been identified as  and  defined above.

Assume the following multiple linear regression model,


and apply Regression in Data Analysis of Excel with the 99% confidence level (see pages 312 – 314) to find the estimated regression equation


Note. Of course, Input Y Range is A1:A94, Input X range is B1:E94, and Labels should be checked.

1. Clearly show the estimated regression equation. What is the percentage of variation in the salary explained by this equation? Assuming that the values of  and  are fixed, what is the estimated difference between the predicted monthly salaries of male and female employees?

2. What salary would you predict for a male employee with 12 years educations, 10 months of previous work experience, and with the time hired equal to 15 months? What salary would you predict for a female employee with 12 years educations, 10 months of previous work experience, and with the time hired equal to 15 months? What is the difference between the two predicted salaries? Compare this difference with that stated in Task 1.

3. Is there a significant difference in the predicted salaries for male and female employees after accounting for the effects of the three other independent variables? To answer this question, conduct the ttest for the significance of at a 1% level of significance. Clearly show the null and alternative hypotheses to be tested, the value of the test statistic, the p-value of the test, your conclusion and its interpretation; see pages 322 – 323 and 333 – 335.

5620 10 12 22 1
5040 8 14 3 1
5100 9 36 15 1
5100 10 55 2 1
5220 12 29 14 1
5400 12 37 21 1
5400 12 38 11 1
5400 12 39 3 1
5400 10 48 8 1
5400 10 60 11 1
5700 15 74 5 1
6000 15 88 21 1
6000 12 98 12 1
6000 12 113 17 1
6000 12 115 14 1
6000 15 123 33 1
6000 14 152 11 1
6500 14 173 19 1
6000 15 150 13 1
6400 15 136 32 1
6000 15 156 12 1
6900 15 180 33 1
6000 15 156 16 1
6000 16 145 13 1
6300 15 220 17 1
6600 15 164 16 1
7800 15 259 33 1
6600 15 216 16 1
6840 15 142 17 1
6900 16 175 20 1
6900 15 132 24 1
8100 16 315 33 1
6300 15 187 30 1
6400 15 231 33 1
4620 10 12 22 0
4020 10 12 7 0
4290 12 5 10 0
4380 8 6 7 0
4380 8 8 6 0
4380 12 3 7 0
4380 12 4 10 0
4380 12 5 6 0
4440 10 11 2 0
4500 12 12 3 0
4500 12 8 19 0
4620 12 52 13 0
4800 10 70 20 0
4800 12 52 23 0
4800 12 11 12 0
4800 12 75 17 0
4800 12 63 22 0
4800 12 144 24 0
4800 12 163 12 0
4800 15 228 26 0
4800 12 381 10 0
4800 16 214 15 0
4980 10 318 25 0
5100 10 96 33 0
5100 12 36 15 0
5100 12 59 14 0
5100 10 115 1 0
5100 10 165 4 0
5100 15 123 12 0
5160 12 118 12 0
5220 10 102 29 0
5220 12 127 29 0
5280 10 90 11 0
5280 12 190 31 0
5280 12 107 11 0
5400 10 113 34 0
5400 12 128 33 0
5400 12 126 11 0
5400 12 112 33 0
5400 12 98 22 0
5400 12 82 29 0
5400 12 169 27 0
5400 12 124 31 0
5400 15 94 13 0
5400 15 49 27 0
5400 15 121 21 0
5400 15 122 33 0
5520 12 97 17 0
5520 12 196 32 0
5580 12 133 30 0
5640 12 155 9 0
5700 12 123 23 0
5700 12 117 25 0
5700 15 151 17 0
5700 15 161 11 0
5700 15 241 34 0
6000 12 121 30 0
6000 15 244 22 0
6120 12 209 21 0


Expert Solution

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.874491
R Square 0.764734
Adjusted R Square 0.75404
Standard Error 371.2956
Observations 93
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 39434252 9858563 71.51119 7.73183E-27
Residual 88 12131717 137860.4
Total 92 51565970      
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept 3490.391 256.6959 13.59738 2.42E-23 2980.262261 4000.521 2814.547557 4166.235207
EDUCAT 76.65403 23.27278 3.293721 0.001425 30.40427283 122.9038 15.38010777 137.9279442
EXPER 2.92248 0.611065 4.782605 6.9E-06 1.708118076 4.136843 1.313634257 4.531326442
MONTHS 20.06142 4.58929 4.371356 3.37E-05 10.94117245 29.18167 7.978472564 32.14437197
MALE 856.053 85.70218 9.988697 3.79E-16 685.7379859 1026.368 630.4113856 1081.694711

(a) Here the estimated regression equation is where b0, b1, b2, b3 and b4 are the coefficients for intercept, educat, exper, months and male respectively.

Hence the estimated regression equation becomes

Now the coefficient of determination i.e. R2 measures the percentage of variation in the salary and the 0.764734 is the coefficient of determination from excel spreadsheet above.

(b) To predict the monthly salary of a male for the given values of the constraint

as number of males are 34

Similarly to predict the monthly salary of a female for the given values of the constraint

as number of females are 58.

Difference = 21401.32246

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