
In: Computer Science

C++ requirements All values must be read in as type double and all calculations need to...

C++ requirements

All values must be read in as type double and all calculations need to be done using type double.

For part 2 you MUST have at least 4 functions, including main. The main function will be the driver of the program. It needs to either do the processing or delegate the work to other functions.

Failure to follow the C++ requirements could reduce the points received from passing the tests.

General overview

This program will convert a set of temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

Your program will be reading in three double values. The first values are starting and ending temperatures. The third value is the increment value. There is no prompt for the input. There is an error message that can be displayed. This is discussed later.

You need to display output for all of the values between the starting and ending values. First two values are temperatures in Fahrenheit. You need to display all of the values from the first temperature to the last temperature. You increment from one temperature to the next by the increment value (the third value you read in). You need to convert these temperatures to Celsius. You need to output the temperatures as both Fahrenheit and Celsius. The numbers should be 15 characters wide with 3 digits of precision and need to be in fixed format. Do not use tab characters (\t) to output the values.

For part 2 you MUST have at least 4 functions, including main. The main function will be the driver of the program. It needs to either do the processing or delegate the work to other functions.

Obviously the main function will have the same function that you have been using for all of your labs. In addition to need to have a function with the following signature:

double convert(double fahrenheit)

Other functions that you may want to have are:

A function to read in the values

A display function

A display heading function

The headings are also required (see the sample output below).

The conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius is:

celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8

Here is a sample run with valid input:

-30 100 20

The output would be:

     Fahrenheit        Celsius
        -30.000        -34.444
        -10.000        -23.333
         10.000        -12.222
         30.000         -1.111
         50.000         10.000
         70.000         21.111
         90.000         32.222

For data validation you need to make sure the first number read in is less than or equal to the second number. The third number read in must be greater than 0. If this is not the case you need to output the following message and read in three new values:

Starting temperature must be <= ending temperature and increment must be > 0.0

The above message is all one line of output.

You need to keep reading in values and outputting messages until the values are all valid.

Using the following input :

40 30 5
30 40 -5
30 40 5

We get the output:

Starting temperature must be <= ending temperature and increment must be > 0.0
Starting temperature must be <= ending temperature and increment must be > 0.0
     Fahrenheit        Celsius
         30.000         -1.111
         35.000          1.667
         40.000          4.444

Depending on the value for the increment the ending temperature may not be reached. You need to display the temperatures where the value of the Fahrenheit temperature is less than or equal to the ending temperature.

Consider this input:

100.5 110.4 5

The valid output will be:

     Fahrenheit        Celsius
        100.500         38.056
        105.500         40.833

The last Fahrenheit temperature output is 105.5. The next one would have been 110.5, but this is more than the ending temperature of 100.4. This is not an error condition. The output would be as above.

Think about what other tests cases are needed? Do we cover all possible input problems or valid types of input values?

Expected output

There are eight tests. Each test will have a new set of input data. You must match, exactly, the expected output.

You will get yellow highlighted text when you run the tests if your output is not what is expected. This can be because you are not getting the correct result. It could also be because your formatting does not match what is required. The checking that zyBooks does is very exacting and you must match it exactly. More information about what the yellow highlighting means can be found in course "How to use zyBooks" - especially section "1.4 zyLab basics".

Finally, do not include a system("pause"); statement in your program. This will cause your verification steps to fail.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   double start =0;
   double end = 0;
   double inc =0;
   //Getting the inputs from user
   //Validating the inputs
   while(start>end || inc<0){
   cout<<"Starting temperature must be <= ending temperature and increment must be > 0.0"<<endl;
   //Printing out the results
   double temp = start;
   while (temp<=end){
   double cel = (temp- 32) * 5 / 9;
   temp = temp + inc;
   return 0;


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