
In: Mechanical Engineering

Commas Insert commas where necessary in the following sentences. Some sentences, however, may not require commas....

Insert commas where necessary in the following sentences. Some sentences, however, may not require commas.

1. Well how are we going to handle this?
2. To avoid any misunderstandings it is important to tell the patient that treatments cannot be successful if appointments are missed.
3. This Wednesday I would like you to go to our St. Louis facility and assist the tech-support team for the remainder of the week.
4. I have some good news for you Amy.
5. In my office the top shelf of the bookcase you will find a revised proposal.
6. Kyle O’Dell our senior mechanic will be assigned to your crew this week.
7. Jim whom I have worked with for two years has the necessary credentials for the position.
8. The assistant behind the counter will be able to answer your questions.
9. Were all the employees able to log on to the network?
10. Charlie on the other hand believes that we should extend the maintenance special through June.
11. Have you had a chance to speak with Kyle Susan and Renee?
12. The packet includes two electrical drawings one mechanical drawing and two structural drawings.
13. The revision plans for the McFarland project are due today and we need to be sure that the corrections have been made.
14. The dedicated competent employee was recognized for her achievements.
15. We are now using the RFI form.
16. Our assignment will be challenging but exciting.
17. Jim you are planning to apply for the ADDA Scholarship aren’t you?
18. Last Monday I completed the mechanical drawings; last Thursday the electrical drawings.
19. “Kristina, your assistance this week with sterilizing hand pieces and setting up trays was greatly appreciated” said Dr. Moore.
20. On Wednesday November 18 Webster High School students will be visiting our campus.


Expert Solution

1. Well, how are we going to handle this?
2. To avoid any misunderstandings, it is important to tell the patient that treatments cannot be successful if appointments are missed.
3. This Wednesday, I would like you to go to our St. Louis facility and assist the tech-support team for the remainder of the week.
4. I have some good news for you, Amy.
5. In my office the top shelf of the bookcase you will find a revised proposal.
6. Kyle O’Dell, our senior mechanic will be assigned to your crew this week.
7. Jim whom I have worked with for two years has the necessary credentials for the position.
8. The assistant behind the counter will be able to answer your questions.
9. Were all the employees able to log on to the network?
10. Charlie, on the other hand, believes that we should extend the maintenance special through June.
11. Have you had a chance to speak with Kyle, Susan and Renee?
12. The packet includes two electrical drawings, one mechanical drawing and two structural drawings.
13. The revised plans for the McFarland project are due today and we need to be sure that the corrections have been made.
14. The dedicated, competent employee was recognized for her achievements.
15. We are now using the RFI form.
16. Our assignment will be challenging, but exciting.
17. Jim, you are planning to apply for the ADDA Scholarship, aren’t you?
18. Last Monday I completed the mechanical drawings; last Thursday the electrical drawings.
19. “Kristina, your assistance this week with sterilizing handpieces and setting up trays was greatly appreciated”, said Dr. Moore.
20. On Wednesday, November 18 Webster High School students will be visiting our campus.

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