
In: Operations Management

Instructions: 1. Read the scenario regarding the email from an employee at The Super Market. 2....


1. Read the scenario regarding the email from an employee at The Super Market.

2. Reply to the email using an indirect strategy

• Inform Caitlin of the policy change.

• Explain how it will affect her should she choose to return in September.

• Although you must refuse her request, let her know that you would like her to stay.

• Use the Outline sheet to hep you structure your reply.

3. Compose your new email in a Word document.

4. Submit the assignment to the Workshop 2 Submission Folder in eConestoga.


Caitlin Kelly has worked as a part-time cashier for six years while attending high school and college. Over those six years, Caitlin has been able to schedule her part-time job around her academic and social life by requesting and getting the shifts she wants.

Caitlin has been offered a full-time summer job with a local marketing firm. She also wants to join the firm’s soccer team, which plays or practices many nights during the week. She has written a message requesting a four-month leave of absence if she cannot work occasionally with irregular shifts.

You have been recently promoted to the role of assistant manager at The Super Market, and the manager has forwarded you Caitlin’s message, asking you to respond to her. The manager, Dominic Ricci, indicated that they would really like to see Caitlin stay over the summer, and if not, return in the fall. However, the manager has asked you to make sure she is aware of the organization’s new policy. The Super Market has instituted a new policy to ease the complexity of scheduling and to provide employees with a stable and consistent schedule. It states that The Super Market will work with part-time employees to develop a regular schedule, where they work the same assigned shifts on the same days and times each week. But once they have their assigned shift, they must keep it.

Unless part-time cashiers are prepared to work the regularly scheduled assigned shifts, they will be asked to resign. Furthermore, employees who quit their job may be rehired if positions become available when they return, but at a lower starting salary. In Caitlin’s case, if she were to quit and return after the summer, in September, she will lose her $19 hourly wage and have to start at a lower rate of $15.00 per hour, if a position is available.

Emails To: [email protected]

From: Caitlin Kelly Date:

Today’s date

Subject: Summer Leave


I just wanted to let you know that I have gotten an amazing opportunity to work at marketing firm full-time over the summer. Marketing is a career I am considering, so I am really excited about taking the job.

As well, the department asked me to play on their soccer team and they said that we will be practicing or playing many evenings after work. So I might be able to take a few night shifts over the summer. I will know which nights at least a week in advance.

I will be able to return to my regular part-time work in the fall, when school starts again. I have been working at the The Super Market for 6 years now so I was hoping that, if it were possible to work the odd night shift during the summer that would be great. Otherwise, I would like to take a 4-month leave of absence until school starts. Please let me know what is possible.



To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Date: Today’s date

Subject: FW: Summer Leave

Can you please respond to Caitlin’s email. We would really love to see her continue working here over the summer, but explain to her the new company policy. See what you can work out with her to accommodate her request. Thanks, Dom


Expert Solution

Hi Caitlin,

We are happy to know about your work opportunity and never doubt at your ability to get this opportunity and lot more better you may have. However, unfortunately we have to consider the Company’s policy for each employee working with us on same grounds and same basis. Our company has introduced a new policy in favour of our part time worker like you to fix the schedule more stable and consistent so that none of you may feel confused and uncomfortable. In this you have been given an option to choose your shift whether day or night and accordingly you need to keep it.

This is for the betterment of our employees so that each one of you should get proper day of rest and fixed schedule of your sleep too which will benefit their health. So, you are here been asked to fixed your schedule before us and you need to keep the same schedule. Unfortunately, we also have to follow the norms of the organization wherein an employee who can’t take this schedule as fixed for whatsoever reason, will have to resign at once. Later, if the work opportunity will be available that can be hire again but at a lower rate of salary.

Since you have worked with us for 6 years long and we are happy and keen to keep you at work. We could see the potential in yours to grow over here and touch the heights within the organization. For you specially, we can work out on the arrangement either you should come in summer also and don’t take a leave or else you will be re-hired but at low salary as stated in the policy attached.

With your progress in work, we can see you promoting to one seat above your current designation soon which will be going to help to boost your carrier one step above. Therefore, if you stay with us, you will probably be having better experiences and hikes then you are being offered in another company.

Choice is yours, we are here with you in each of your choice.

Warm regards,


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