
In: Anatomy and Physiology

what is high blood pressure? who is affected? what can we do about high blood pressure?...

what is high blood pressure? who is affected? what can we do about high blood pressure? what can be done to have a healthy life and can it be cured?

change from high blood pressure to diabetes


Expert Solution

High blood pressure is said to be when the blood pressure exceeds normal blood pressure that is Elevated blood pressure ranges between 120/80 and 129/80, and high blood pressure is 130/80 and higher.

Risk peoples

  • People with cardiovascular diseases
  • Women are more likely to develop high blood pressure after age 65
  • People with family members who have high blood pressure.
  • Smokers.
  • African-Americans.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Women who take birth control pills.
  • Those over the age of 35 expecially men
  • Folks who are overweight or obese.
  • Inactive people.

Control of high blood pressure

1.Eat a healthy diet

  • Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables
  • low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg if you have high blood pressure.
  • eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.
  • Low sodium diet
  • High potassium diet

2.Dailly exercises and physical activities

3.Yoga and meditation will help you to control hypertension

4.control weight gain

5.proper treatment for thyroid disorder

6.proper treatment for hypertension and timely consumption of antihypertensive medicines

7.Avoid smoking and Alcahole

8.Avoid stress and distress

9.Make sure to get good, restful sleep

10.healthy life style

Hypertension can't be curable but it is controlled by medication and healthy lifestyle If left untreated, a blood pressure of 180/120 or higher results in an 80% chance of death within one year, with an average survival rate of ten months. Prolonged, untreated high blood pressure can also lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, and kidney disease.

People with high blood pressure were found to have around a 50% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Increased peripheral artery resistance caused by vascular remodeling and increased body fluid volume associated with insulin resistance-induced hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia.

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