
In: Statistics and Probability

******. The openintro package contains a data set called bdims, ****which consists of the body dimensions...

******. The openintro package contains a data set called bdims, ****which consists of the body dimensions of 507 physically active individuals. ****Complete a full multivariate regression analysis, ***predicting the variable wgt (weight) using all significant elements. *****You should do a stepwise variable selection procedure, and explore the data. ******** R code


Expert Solution


Given that

The openintro package contains a data set called bdims.

which consists of the body dimensions of 507 physically active individuals.??

# Install the package

# Data heading

# Full model with all the covariates/independent variable
model<-lm(wgt~ ., data=bdims)

# From the out we see that many variables are non-significant

model2<-lm(wgt~ + + age+ hgt+ sex , data=bdims)

# Histogram




First Model:
We have used all predictor variable. From output we see that
so many variables are insignificant as there p-value is > 0.05
so, we reject the corresponding H0.

H0:βi=0 vs H1:βi!=0 here i=1,2,....,25

Usual stepwise regression says remove the most insignificant variable one at
a time and observe the R^2 - value.
But here we will remove all insignificant variable at one go.

From output2, it is to be observe that although we have removed so many
variables but still our R^2 value is 97.48% which is quite good infact excellent.

Regression line would be


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