
In: Physics

Starting from the statement that decay rate is proportional to the number of nuclei in a...

Starting from the statement that decay rate is proportional to the number of nuclei in a sample, derive the exponential equation that relates the number of nuclei in a sample to the initial number and the elapsed time. Define all variables used. [3 marks] c) A 1 megaton nuclear bomb produces 0.45 kg of an isotope of 90Sr and the fallout spreads uniformly over an area of 110 km2 . 90Sr decays with a half-life of 29 years. Determine the ground area that holds an amount of radioactivity equal to 9.2 x104 Bq. Define variables used.



Expert Solution

part 1:

at any time, number of nuclei is N and initial number of nuclei is N0.

then dN/dt=-k*N

where k is a constant.

(-ve sign is because of the fact that with increasing time, number of nuclei decreases)

hence dN/N=-k*dt

integrating both sides,


at t=0, N=N0


then ln(N)=-k*t+ln(N0)




part c:

mass of isotope produced=0.45 kg

molar mass of 90Sr=90 grams

number of moles produced=total mass/molar mass=0.45/(0.09)=

=5 moles

=5*6.022*10^23 nuclei

number of nuclei per m^2 of area=total number of nuclei/total area

=5*6.022*10^23/(110*10^6 m^2)


half life=29 years

then decay constant=ln(2)/half life=ln(2)/(29*365*24*3600 seconds)

=7.5792*10^(-10) s^(-1)

activity=number of nuclei*decay constant

==>9.2*10^4=number of nuclei*7.5792*10^(-10)

==>number of nuclei=1.214*10^14

then area=number of nuclei/nuclei per m^2


=0.004435 m^2

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