
In: Psychology

People typically enjoy eating the the kinds of foods they ate as children. Think about the...

People typically enjoy eating the the kinds of foods they ate as children. Think about the foods that you most enjoy eating, as well as your normal daily diet. How have these choices been influenced by your family's diet when you were a child? What changes could you make to your current diet to improve your health? What barriers prevent you from making these changes? What is one way that you could overcome one of these barriers?


Expert Solution

Childhood memories and nostalgia are the most relevant when it comes to food. Individuals indeed love indulging in the kinds of food that they ate as children and it typically has to be junk and fast food. I have a sweet tooth and love eating a lot of chocolates and doughnuts. I reckon, I have developed a sweet tooth or rather inherited it from my parents. My father is diabetic and still finds it hard to resist sweets. That explains my love for sweet delicacies.

Making an effort to cut intake of too much sugar and sticking to natural sugar in the form of fruits and etcetera could help me improve my health. I think the craving and the urge creeps in so bad that I keep going for more desserts which could eventually lead me to being diabetic. However, this needs to stop and I need to overcome it by eating the things I like in a smaller proportions and not give into the craving so much that I lose my will power and finish two bars of chocolate.

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