
In: Computer Science

C++ Vectors. Create a program do the following in the program: 1. declare an vector without...



Create a program do the following in the program:

1. declare an vector without specifying the size

2. use push_back to add random integers between 100 and 999 to the vector

3. write a function that returns the smallest, largest, and average of the numbers in the vector

display the smallest, largest, and average of the numbers in the vector


Expert Solution

output: smallest, largest, average in respective order

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class values{
        int smallest;
        int largest;
        int average;
values myfunc(vector<int> &v){
    auto n = v.size();
    values stats;
    stats.smallest = *min_element (v.begin(), v.end()); //stl function to find minimum element
    stats.largest = *max_element (v.begin(), v.end()); //stl function to find maximum element
    //accumulate does the sum of elements in vector and then to get avg we will devide it with vector size
    stats.average = accumulate( v.begin(), v.end(), 0.0) / n;
    return stats;
int main() {
        vector<int> v;
        int num;
    int count = 1000000; // number of elements we want to push in vector
    // This program will create different sequence of  
    // random numbers on every program run  
    // Use current time as seed for random generator 

    //rand() % x generates the number between 0 and x [excluding x]
    // so for number between 100 and 999 we will add 101 to 
    while(count--) {
        num =  101 + rand() % 898;
    values v_stats;
    v_stats = myfunc(v);
        cout << v_stats.smallest << "   " << v_stats.largest << "   " << v_stats.average;
        return 0;

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