In: Economics
Econometrics Question
Consider the following relation between y and x, where u is an error term: y = β0 + β1x + u.
(a) Briefly comment on the properties of the OLS estimator for β1 obtained from a random sample of x and y, when x and u are uncorrelated.
Suppose x and u are correlated. Let z be an instrument for x.
(b) Compared to part (a), what are the properties of the OLS estimator for β1?
(c) Enumerate the properties that z must satisfy for it be a good instrument.
(d) Based on your answer in part (c), briefly explain why a proxy
variable should not be used as an instrument when endogeneity is
caused by an omitted variable.
Our model is given as:
When x and u are uncorrelated, it means that the CLRM property
of exogeneity is satisfied. As a result, the model is non
endogenous. In this scenario, we will get unbiased and consistent
OLS estimate of
which is represented as
This OLS estimate is BLUE (best linear unbiased estimator)
When x and u are correlated, the CLRM property of non
endogeneity or exogeneity is violated. As a result, the model is
potentially endogeneous. Under this, if we run OLS on the model,
the OLS estimator
will be biased and inconsistent. This means this estimator will no
longer have the BLUE property.
In order for z to be a good instrument for x, the following properties should hold:
The idea of proxy variable is to replace the endogenous variable and use another variable which is closely related to it. However, often it might be the case (endogeneity arising due to omitted variables), the proxy variable itself might suffer from the problem of endogneity because of lack of information or insufficient ways of measuring it. ( For instance, you can't measure ability in a person just like that). Hence cov (proxy, u) might be non zero.
So, should such a case arise, proxy variables should not be used.