
In: Mechanical Engineering

List five FAA maintenance related regulations. How can you as an aviation maintenance manager create success...

List five FAA maintenance related regulations. How can you as an aviation maintenance manager create success from those regulations?


Expert Solution


Five FAA maintennace related regulations are mentioned below:

  1. Anyone performing maintenance on your aircraft will need complete aircraft logbooks to review the aircraft’s compliance history before performing maintenance on your aircraft
  2. Timely maintenance and repair of pavements is essential in maintaining adequate load-carrying capacity, good ride quality necessary for the safe operation of aircraft, good friction characteristics under all weather conditions, and minimizing the potential for foreign object debris
  3. An effective maintenance program takes a coordinated, budgeted, and systematic approach to both preventive and remedial maintenance.
  4. The airport should prepare and maintain records of all inspections and maintenance performed
  5. All records from repair station maintenance activity must be kept a minimum of 2 years.

An Aviation maintenance manager tracks all the reocrds of the flights and repairs.

They are aware of the steps to check and standards to maintain, set up the bench mark and oversee the maintenance work

They prepare the budget and trends for the repair and reallow the aircraft.

Maintaining the record helps track the aircraft schedules and so prevents any future proble

Frequency of fails of an engineered system or a particular component per unit of time is termed as failure rate. It is most extensively used in reliability engineering. Failure rate usually depends upon time factor.

Aviation maintenance management requires knowledge of various disciplines and awareness about dealing technical, operational, and financial pressures posed by the job activities.

Impact of failure rates on Aviation maintenance management:

  • Unavailability of information about systems capability and performance
  • Failure of potential functional systems
  • Unavailability of information about specific modes and functions responsible for failures
  • Unavailability of information about failure and its causes
  • Provides no opportunity to develop or maintain
  • Provides no ideas about logical actions behind the loss

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