3 Types of Exchange rate systems are -
- Float - In floating exchange rate system the value of your own
currency with relation to foreign currency is allowed to fluctuate
freely and which likely to suffer from market forces. Example -
- Fixed - In fixed exchange rate system the value of your own
currency is when tied to single other foreign currency or by gold ,
which is another type of measure of value. - like the central bank
holds that foreign currency as reserve and gold. Example of fixed
exchage rate system is Gold standard.
- Pegged Float - In Pegged float exchange rate system the value
of currency is fixed to a certain value,and were fluctuation exists
but the fluctuation of exchange rate happens within that
value.Example - UAE pegged its currency with the USA currency
(Dollars).$1 = 3 dirhams
Note - As per economist , the best exchange rate system is
floating exchange rate .