
In: Computer Science

I am creating a crop watering "simulator" in Python. I have the user input an array...

I am creating a crop watering "simulator" in Python. I have the user input an array and then must compare the placement of water and crops to determine if all the crops in the array are watered. The user will either input a "w" for water or "c" for crop when creating the array. A w cell can water 8 cells around it, including itself. My end result must determine if all the crops will be watered or not. How do I compare the values in the cells to output this? And how do I output the crops not watered, if they are not all watered?

Here is an example, given the following array:





How do I ouput that not all the crops are watered, and the crops in positions (2,3) and (3,3) are not watered?

Here is my code so far as well:

print("Input number of rows and columns in the crop field:")

rows = int(input("ROWS>"))

columns = int(input("COLUMNS>"))

array = []

for i in range(columns):


for j in range(rows):

current_input=input(f"Type in the value for row={i}, column={j}: ")


for i in array:



Expert Solution

Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. If not, PLEASE let me know before you rate, I’ll help you fix whatever issues. Thanks

Note: Please maintain proper code spacing (indentation), just copy the code part and paste it in your compiler/IDE directly, no modifications required.

#code with no comments, for easy copying

def neighbors(array, r, c):
    values = []
    if (r - 1) >= 0:
        values.append((r - 1, c))
    if (r - 1) >= 0 and (c - 1) >= 0:
        values.append((r - 1, c - 1))
    if (r - 1) >= 0 and (c + 1) < len(array[r]):
        values.append((r - 1, c + 1))
    if (r + 1) < len(array):
        values.append((r + 1, c))
    if (r + 1) < len(array) and (c - 1) >= 0:
        values.append((r + 1, c - 1))
    if (r + 1) < len(array) and (c + 1) < len(array[r]):
        values.append((r + 1, c + 1))
    if (c - 1) >= 0:
        values.append((r, c - 1))
    if (c + 1) < len(array[r]):
        values.append((r, c + 1))
    return values

print("Input number of rows and columns in the crop field:")
rows = int(input("ROWS> "))
columns = int(input("COLUMNS> "))

array = []

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        current_input = input(f"Type in the value for row={i}, column={j}: ")

for i in array:

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        if array[i][j] == 'w':
            array[i][j] = 'x'
            for r,c in neighbors(array,i,j):

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        if array[i][j]=='c':

if len(not_watered)==0:
    print("All crops are watered")
    print("Not all crops are watered; unwatered crops are in position(s): ",end='')
    print(*not_watered,sep=', ')

#same code with comments, for learning

# helper method defined to return the row,column indices of all cells around r,c
# assuming r and c are valid
def neighbors(array, r, c):
    # creating a list
    values = []
    # if r-1 is a valid index, adding tuple (r-1,c) to values
    if (r - 1) >= 0:  # top center
        values.append((r - 1, c))
    # similarly checking addresses of all cells around (r,c), adding to values
    if (r - 1) >= 0 and (c - 1) >= 0:  # top left
        values.append((r - 1, c - 1))
    if (r - 1) >= 0 and (c + 1) < len(array[r]):  # top right
        values.append((r - 1, c + 1))
    if (r + 1) < len(array):  # bottom center
        values.append((r + 1, c))
    if (r + 1) < len(array) and (c - 1) >= 0:  # bottom left
        values.append((r + 1, c - 1))
    if (r + 1) < len(array) and (c + 1) < len(array[r]):  # bottom right
        values.append((r + 1, c + 1))
    if (c - 1) >= 0:  # left
        values.append((r, c - 1))
    if (c + 1) < len(array[r]):  # right
        values.append((r, c + 1))
    # returning values
    return values

print("Input number of rows and columns in the crop field:")
rows = int(input("ROWS> "))
columns = int(input("COLUMNS> "))

array = []

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        current_input = input(f"Type in the value for row={i}, column={j}: ")

for i in array:

# we read and print the 2d list, now we can mark all watered crops with 'x'

# looping through each row and column
for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        # checking if value at i,j is 'w'
        if array[i][j] == 'w':
            # marking current position with value 'x'
            array[i][j] = 'x'
            # looping through each neighbor cell of i,j and marking them
            for r, c in neighbors(array, i, j):
                array[r][c] = 'x'

# now creating a list
not_watered = []
# looping and adding row,col indices of all unwatered crops as tuples into not_watered list
for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        if array[i][j] == 'c':  # value is still 'c', means unwatered crop
            not_watered.append((i, j))

# if not_watered list is empty, then all crops are watered
if len(not_watered) == 0:
    print("All crops are watered")
    # else, not all crops are watered
    print("Not all crops are watered; unwatered crops are in position(s): ", end='')
    print(*not_watered, sep=', ')  # printing tuples in not_watered separated by ', '


Input number of rows and columns in the crop field:
Type in the value for row=0, column=0: c
Type in the value for row=0, column=1: c
Type in the value for row=0, column=2: c
Type in the value for row=0, column=3: w
Type in the value for row=1, column=0: w
Type in the value for row=1, column=1: c
Type in the value for row=1, column=2: c
Type in the value for row=1, column=3: c
Type in the value for row=2, column=0: c
Type in the value for row=2, column=1: c
Type in the value for row=2, column=2: c
Type in the value for row=2, column=3: c
Type in the value for row=3, column=0: c
Type in the value for row=3, column=1: w
Type in the value for row=3, column=2: c
Type in the value for row=3, column=3: c
['c', 'c', 'c', 'w']
['w', 'c', 'c', 'c']
['c', 'c', 'c', 'c']
['c', 'w', 'c', 'c']
Not all crops are watered; unwatered crops are in position(s): (2, 3), (3, 3)

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