
In: Computer Science

Write the following java program: Desc Output the name and time of the runner who came...

Write the following java program:
Desc Output the name and time of the runner who came in first, as well as the name and time of
the runner who came in last in a marathon race (assuming there are no ties).
Input A text file named marathon.txt containing the name and time of each participant in the
following format (the file has at least 1 participant, name is just 1 word with no space, and name
and time are separated by tabs, blanks, and newlines):
John 2:40
Paul 3:20
Carl 2:10
Output The name and time of the runner who came in first, as well as the name and time of the
runner who came in last printed to the screen.

You must define a class called Runner. Here is the API of Runner:
A Runner object stores the name of a runner (String) and his raceTime (Time24).
a. Usage: Runner()
Post: The Runner object initialized with name="unknown" and raceTime=0:0.
b. Usage: Runner (String s, Time24 t)
Post: The Runner object initialized with name=s and raceTime=t.
c. Usage: String getName()
Return: The name of the Runner object
d. Usage: Time24 getRaceTime()
Return: The raceTime of the Runner object.
e. Usage: void setName(String s)
Post: The Runner object's name set to s
f. Usage: void setRaceTime(Time24 t)
Post: The Runner object's raceTime set to t
g. Usage: void read(Scanner f)
Pre: f has a line in the following format ready to be read:

name hh:mm
where name is a String and hh, mm are integers. The token delimiters of f have
been set to white space characters and the colon by the caller.
Post: The line read in from f, the name and the time stored in the Runner object
h. Usage: int compareTo(Runner r)
Desc: Compare 2 Runner objects based on raceTime
Return: 1 if current object's raceTime > r's raceTime
0 if current object's raceTime == r's raceTime
-1 if current object's raceTime < r's raceTime

i. Usage: String toString()
Return: A String object in the form "name hh:mm"

 It is not necessary to save all the runners in an array or a vector (you only need to find the minimum
time and the maximum time).
Hand in:
 with 2 classes: Runner, and Marathon (use class Time24).


import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;


A data structure that stores integer values for hour (0..23) and minute (0..59) to represent the time of day in a 24-hour clock


public class Time24


private int hour;

private int minute;

//Post: Sets the hour value in the range 0 to 23 and the minute value in the range 0 to 59

    private void normalizeTime()


       int extraHours = minute / 60;

       minute %= 60;

       hour = (hour + extraHours) % 24;



Desc:Initializes this Time24 object

Post:hour and minute of this Time24 object both initialized to 0


public Time24()


         this(0,0); //calls the 2-argument constructor of class Time24



Desc:Initializes this Time24 object

Pre:h and m cannot be negative

Post:hour and minute of this Time24 object initialized to h and m

respectively. This operation will normalize the time if necessary (e.g.

9:75 is stored as 10:15).

Throw:IllegalArgumentException if h or m is negative


public Time24(int h, int m)


       setTime(h, m);



Desc:Sets the hour and minute of this Time24 object to a particular time

Pre:h and m cannot be negative

Post:hour and minute of this Time24 object set to h and m

respectively. This operation will normalize the time if necessary (e.g.

9:75 is stored as 10:15).

Throw:IllegalArgumentException if h or m is negative


public void setTime(int h, int m)


if (h < 0 || m < 0)

          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time24.setTime: argument"

+ " must not be negative");

       this.hour = h;

      this.minute = m;




Desc:Adds minutes to this Time24 object

Pre:m cannot be negative

Post:This Time24 object set to m minutes later. This operation will

normalize the time if necessary (e.g. 9:75 is stored as 10:15).

Throw:IllegalArgumentException if m is negative


public void addTime(int m)


       if (m < 0)

          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time24.addTime: argument"

+ " must not be negative");

       minute += m;




Desc:Measures the interval from this Time24 object to another time

Return:The interval from this Time24 object to t as a Time24


public Time24 interval(Time24 t)


int currTime = hour * 60 + minute;

       int tTime = t.hour * 60 + t.minute;

if (tTime < currTime) tTime += 24 * 60;

return new Time24(0, tTime-currTime);



Desc:Gets the hour value of this Time24 object

Return:The hour value of this Time24 object


public int getHour()


return hour;



Desc:Gets the minute value of this Time24 object

Return:The minute value of this Time24 object


public int getMinute()


return minute;



Desc:Converts this Time24 object to a string

Return:This Time24 object as a String in the form "hh:mm"


public String toString()


DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("00");

return hour + ":" + f.format(minute);



Desc:Convert a String to a Time24

Pre:s must be in the form "hh:mm" where hh and mm are positive integers

Return:A Time24 object that corresponds to s


public static Time24 parseTime(String s)


StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(s, ":");

int h = Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken());

int m = Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken());

return new Time24(h, m);



class Runner
private String name;
private Time24 raceTime;
public Runner()
raceTime=new Time24(0,0);

public Runner(String s, Time24 t)

raceTime=new Time24(t.getHour(), t.getMinute());

public String getName()

return name;
public Time24 getRaceTime()

return new Time24(raceTime.getHour(), raceTime.getMinute());
class Marathon
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException


Expert Solution

Runner Class:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Runner
    private String name;
    private Time24 raceTime;
    public Runner()
        raceTime=new Time24(0,0);
    public Runner(String s, Time24 t)
        raceTime=new Time24(t.getHour(), t.getMinute());
    public String getName()
        return name;
    public Time24 getRaceTime()
        return new Time24(raceTime.getHour(), raceTime.getMinute());
    public void read(Scanner f)
        String s = f.nextLine();
        String words[] = s.split(" ");
        name = words[0];
        raceTime = Time24.parseTime(words[1]);
    public int compareTo(Runner r){
            return 1;
        }else if(raceTime.getHour()<r.getRaceTime().getHour()){
            return -1;
                return 1;
            }else if(raceTime.getMinute()<r.getRaceTime().getMinute()){
                return -1;
                return 0;
    public String toString(){
        return name + " "+raceTime.toString();

Marathon class:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Marathon
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Runner first=null;
            Runner last=null;
            FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("marathon.txt");       
            Scanner sc=new Scanner(fis); 
                if(first ==null){
                    first = new Runner();
                    last = new Runner(first.getName(),first.getRaceTime());
                    Runner temp = new Runner();
                    if (temp.compareTo(first)==-1){
                        first = temp;
                    }else if(temp.compareTo(last)==1){
                        last = temp;
            System.out.println("first runner:");
            System.out.println("last runner:");
            catch(IOException e)  

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