In: Computer Science
What is aliasing? What causes it and what is the cure for it?
Aliasing is an impact that makes distinctive signals wind up vague from each other amid sampling. Aliasing is described by the modifying of output contrasted with the first flag on the grounds that resampling or addition brought about a lower determination in pictures, a slower frame rate regarding video or a lower wave determination in sound. Hostile to aliasing channels can be utilized to adjust this issue.
Aliasing can happen either in light of the fact that the counter moniker channel in the A-D converter (or in an example rate converter) isn't great, or in light of the fact that the framework has been over-burden. The last case is the most widely recognized wellspring of aliasing, on the grounds that over-burdens result in the age of high-recurrence music inside the computerized framework itself (and after the counter aliasing channel).
By and large the clamors are not bandlimited signals, so the Nyquist sampling hypothesis can not be connected for culminate recreation. Consequently you have aliasing. You could endeavor to build the sampling recurrence, it could be valuable if your clamor is corresponded. You could attempt to utilize an antialiasing channel, with the cut-off recurrence at 50 kHz. In any case, for a further wavelet based treatment, the aliasing isn't vital. In this way, you can proceed with no change.