42. You can prove in the following way that it is overall more
efficient for an
engine to exhaust at the ambient environmental temperature
than to exhaust
at a cooler temperature that requires refrigeration. Suppose
that the hot
reservoir is at Th, the ambient temperature is Ta, and the
refrigerated tem-
perature is Tc. The engine cannot put out more work than would
a Carnot
engine operating between Th and Tc, so Weng = eQh = a[(Th −
Tc)/Th] Qh,
where a ≤ 1. Likewise the refrigerator cannot require less
work input than
a Carnot refrigerator, so Wfrig = bQa[(Ta − Tc)/Ta], where b ≥
1. The net
work output is that from the engine minus that needed to run
the refrigerator,
Wnet = Weng − Wfrig. Show that this quantity is less than the
work you would
get out of the engine if it simply ran between Th and Ta
without any refrig-
eration, which would be Weng = aQh[(Th − Ta)/Th]. (For the
Carnot engine,
Qh/Th = Qa/Ta.)