In: Finance
Provide measurements indicators for profitability, solvency and liquidity as important financial analysis a business focused on.
Measurement indicators for Profitability, solvency and liquidity
are the various ratios used to determine the business'
Profitability ratio is used to measure the
company's ability to generate profit as compared to its various
costs and expenses.
a) Gross profit margin: It is measured as the
ratio of gross profit to the company's revenue. Higher gross profit
margin means the company is pricing its product well and is able to
cut down on its cost of good sold.
b) Operating profit margin: It is calculated as
the operating profit of the company divided by its total sales.
Operating margin measures the company's operating efficiency and
also measures how much the company is left with after covering its
cost of good and operating expenses.
c) Net profit margin: It is the total net profit
the company earns as compared to its revenue. Higher net profit
margin indicates the company has been able to cut down on its cost
along with managing the interest and other expenses well.
Solvency ratio is used to measure the company's ability to meet
its long term obligations. It is calculated as follows:
Solvency ratio = Net after tax income plus cash
expenses divided by short term liabilities and long term
Liquidity ratio measure the company's ability to
meet its short term obligations
Current ratio : This is calculated as Total of
current assets to current liabilities. Current ratio of 1 or
greater is considered to be a good ratio indicating that the
company has enough liquidity to meet is short term obligations.
Quick ratio : It is same as current ratio
except that the company's inventory is not included. This is
because inventory is sometimes considered to be ill-liquid at times
and hence this is a tighter measure of a company's liquid
Cash ratio: This is the most conservative form of
measuring the liquid profile of a company. It is calculated as the
total cash of the company to its current liabilities.
These are all an important indicators which all the businesses
focus on to understand their health. These are also used to compare
their performance with other companies in the industry. It helps
them to focus on their weakness and thus is used to identify areas
where they need more attention.