In: Biology
Covid 19 brought about new concepts such as social distancing, isolation, quarantine, and pandemic Government and public become more aware about personal health, the nature of transmission of infectious diseases, and maintaining hygiene. Social distancing of 2-meter distance with one another and fulfill the 20-second hand-washing rule is now became a habit of the world and become a part of public health emergency . Neighbourliness and civility are at stake. Social distancing and potential exposure among vulnerable populations such as inmates, homeless persons, disabled individual and elderly had a great impact.The orderly daily flow of business, schools, travel, footy games, local shops, cafes and restaurants, even small gatherings of friends, suddenly seems to be built on a minefield. Public adjusts to being turned away from their favourite places and adjust to the work from home pattern which provides gender equality and work-life balance . Video-consultations with General Practitioners became more easy. Businesses like organising and servicing, trading and travelling, working and playing, building and creating, meeting and co-operating are affected. On the other hand networking played a marked role of advantages in the Covid scenario.Airports and all other mode of transport are silenced. Economic and labor-market, migration, commerce, and international relations have to rebuild. Innovative methods and measures to account for coronavirus exposure, including the measurement of uncounted or misclassified cases and deaths. Differential responses by local, state, and national governments of countries to the epidemic disease and the role of media have been exploded. These contemplations are likely to shape the world of tomorrow, whenever that tomorrow may arrive.