
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Mr. Jablonski, a 48-year-old history professor, has a blood lipid profile that includes elevated LDL cholesterol....

Mr. Jablonski, a 48-year-old history professor, has a blood lipid profile that includes elevated LDL cholesterol. He is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 200 pounds. Mr. Jablonski has a family his- tory of CHD, His diet history shows excessive intakes of food energy, cholesterol, total fat, saturated fat, and salt, He smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, and his lifestyle leaves him little time for physical activity. Mr. Jablonski also has hypertension, for which antihypertensive agents have been prescribed. He frequently forgets to take his pills, though, and his blood pressure is often quite high.

the question is:

Discuss nutrition considerations if Mr. Jablonski should suffer a heart attack or stroke, and describe the relationships of these disorders to elevated blood lipids and hypertension.


Expert Solution

Diet that should be Taken to reduce the Risk of Stroke are-

*Diet should be considered- Avoid foods that are energy-dense, high in saturated fats (Like meat), fried&processed food, and Eat more fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats, and foods that Have low energy density and high fiber.

*Change saturated fat and cholesterol use with monounsaturated fat from olive oil.

*Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and dietary fiber.

*Fish- fish contain long chain omega 3 fatty acids ,which is inversely associated with cerebrovascular disease risk.

*Consume less sodium and more potassium.

*Vit E and D suppliments


Elevated blood lipids and Stroke-

Diet that contains heavy Fat lead to Elevated Blood Lipids level-------These Lipids Acuumulate In Blood Vessels Which leads to Atheroclerosis.

[Atherosclerosis-A build up of cholesterol plaque in the walls of arteries]

This Atherosleortic Plaque May Increase in Size------When the Plaques ruptures,Platelets Forms a Clot Over it ----Resulting in Obstruction of Blood Flow ,Obstruction of Blood Flow to Brain Causes Stroke]

Hypertension and Stroke-

Hypertension is the condition in which blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated---The Strain due to hypertension weaken and predisposes the vessels to damage--- Blood Vessels Become Narrow, rupture or leak-----Hypertension also cause formation of blood clots in the arteries-----Obstruction of Blood Flow to Brain Causing Stroke.

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