
In: Psychology

I need someone who identifies themselves as being religious to give their own personal opinion on...

I need someone who identifies themselves as being religious to give their own personal opinion on a couple or all of these questions please! thanks!

Was your religion passed on to you by family tradition or is this something you chose for yourself?

What led you to the beliefs you are now practicing?

At what age did you really get into your religion?

What do you think are some of the major misconceptions of your religion?

Have you ever been discriminated against because of your religion? How did you respond to this?

How is your religion portrayed in today's society? How does this affect you?

In what way or ways has your religion affected other aspects of your life?

Is religion an important part of your life today? Why or why not?

What do you like best/least about your religion?

What kind of person would you be without religion in your life? How would you be different?

How does your religion affect who you date, or plan to marry?

Have you had any personal experiences that have reaffirmed your faith?

Tell about a particularly spiritual/religious moment when you felt very close to your God. What happened?

Have your religious beliefs changed in your lifetime? If so, how?

Do you feel you've grown in your spirituality or changed in another way over the years?

If you were not married, would you marry outside of your religion? Why or why not?

Do you plan to raise your children in this religion or to let them decide what they want to believe on their own?

Do you ever question your faith?


Expert Solution

1.I follow my families religion.


3. when I was about 8 years old.

4. Major misconception according to me in my religion is that you have to be a vegetarian.

5.No, I have never faced discrimination because of my religion.

6. Today my religion is portrayed to be very rigid and not very accommodating to people.

7. My religion has not affected any other aspects of my life.

8. Yes, religion is an important part of your life today. It keeps me centered in life.It is my anchor.

9. My religion is very liberal.

10.I would be a very confused person without religion in your life.

11. I will date or marry a person who follows the same faith or religion as mine.

12. Yes, God has been very kind to me. He has always worked out things in my favor.

13.Tell about a particularly spiritual/religious moment when you felt very close to your God. What happened?

14. For some time in my life I had stopped believing in God but now it has changed completely. I am thankful and grateful to God for everything that I have.

15. you feel you've grown in your spirituality or changed in another way over the years?

16. NO

17.Raise my children in this religion.

18. Now I don't question my faith. This used to be the case a few years ago but now I am a strong believer.

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