
In: Computer Science

Write in C++ code A system that allow users to place an order for the food,...

Write in C++ code

A system that allow users to place an order for the food, view all the food details, modify or delete the food details. Design using objected oriented programming and list/link-list.

Food order information contain : OrderID(auto assigned,unique), Food Code, flavor , weight, unit price, qty and customer information such as id, name, address and contact number.

order ID shall be automatically assigned with a unique ID when new order is added.

When viewing food details, it should also display the bill amount (unit price *qty).


Expert Solution

In this program we are using Three classes customer ,order and food .

The Customer class is used to store the custmer details .

The order class to Store/manage food details,it will check the every order in a random manner.

The food class must store the details of the food which are entered by user or order can have mutliple food items and it is based the customer usage.

while writting a program plz maitain some standard namespace because it reduces the errors while compiling .

In the below program we have used some modifiers to obtain the program correctly.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>

int NP, NE, *VO,*VTP, T, pop, stok,st, nonam, iter, it, nb_am;
struct et
   int id, s, NM, *VT, *VA, **M, cmax;
struct sol
int *VSO, **aff,ValOrd, cmax;
et *FSH;
sol *SL;
void init();
void gener_sol();
void Aff();
void Matrice(et);
bool exist(int, int*);
int id(int, int[]);
int som(int **);
int MAX(sol);
void aff_sol(sol);
void permut(int&, int&);
int nbrNA(sol*, int);
sol best (sol*);
void genetic(sol*);
int main()
   int V[10], i;   
    cout << "\nSol initiale avant simulation : \n";
    cout << "\nSol optimale apres simulation : \n";
    cout << "\nnombre des iterations : "<< it<<"\n";
    cout << "\nnombre de non ameliores : "<< nb_am<<"\n";
   return 0;
void init()
int i,j,k,a;
cout << "Donner le NBR des Pieces : ";
cin >> NP;  
cout << "Donner le NBR des Etages : ";
cin >> NE;
cout << "Donner la position du stockage \n(1-Par Machine, 2-Par Etage, 3-Par Systeme):";
cin >> stok;
cout << "Donner la taille de pop : ";
cin >> pop;
cout << "Donner le nombre d'iterations pour Genetic :";
cin >> iter;
cout << "Donner le nombre de non ameliores pour Genetic :";
cin >> nonam;
VO = new int[NP];
VTP = new int[NP];
for(a=0;a<NP;a++)for(i=0;i<NP;i++) {VO[i]=i+1; VTP[i] = rand()%30+10;}
FSH = new et[NE];
    //cout << "Donner le Stockage de l'etage "<< i+1 << " :";
   //cin >> FSH[i].s;
   if(stok==1) st = 5;
   else if(stok==2) st = 10;
   else st = 30;
   cout << "Donner le nbr des machines de l'etage "<< i+1 << " :";
   cin >> FSH[i].NM;
   FSH[i].VT = new int[FSH[i].NM];
   for(j=0;j<FSH[i].NM;j++) for(a=0;a<NP;a++)FSH[i].VT[j] = rand()%5+1;
   FSH[i].VA = new int[NP];
    for(k=0;k<3;k++) {FSH[i].VA[j] = rand()%(FSH[i].NM)+1;}
    FSH[i].M = new int*[NP];
   for(j=0;j<NP;j++)FSH[i].M[j] = new int[NP];

void Aff()
int i,j,k;
cout << "le Nbr des pieces = " << NP << ".\n";
cout << "le Nbr des etages = " << NE << ".\n";
cout << "L'Ordonnancement des pieces : {";
for(i=0;i<NP;i++) cout << VO[i] <<" ";
cout <<"}.\n";
cout << "Temps de traitement de chaque pieces : {";
for(i=0;i<NP;i++) cout << VTP[i] <<" ";
cout <<"}.\n";
    cout << "\nL'etage "<< i+1 << " :\n";
    //cout << " Capacite de stockage: "<< FSH[i].s<<".\n";
   cout << " le nbr des machines de l'etage "<< FSH[i].NM<<".\n";
   cout << " Affectation des pieces: {";
   for(j=0;j<NP;j++) cout << FSH[i].VA[j] <<" ";
   cout << "}.\n";
   cout << " Vitesse de traitement des machines: {";
   for(j=0;j<FSH[i].NM;j++) cout << FSH[i].VT[j] <<" ";
   cout << "}.\n";
   /*cout << " La Matrice de correspondance :\n";
       cout << " ";
       for(k=0;k<NP;k++) cout << setw(3) << FSH[i].M[j][k] << setw(3);
       cout << "\n";

void Matrice(et e)
   int i,j;
int id(int v, int A[])
   int i=0;
   return i;  
int som(int **M)
   int i,j,s=0;
   s += abs(M[i][j]);
   return s*2;
void permut (int &a, int &b)
   int c = a; a = b; b = c;
void gener_sol()
   int k,i,j,k1,k2;
   SL = new sol[pop];
   for (k=0;k<pop;k++)
   SL[k].VSO= new int[NP];
   SL[k].aff= new int*[NP];
   SL[k].aff[j]= new int[NE];
           for(i=0;i<NP;i++) SL[k].VSO[i] = VO[i];
           SL[k].ValOrd = (rand()%20+50)*(NP+NE/2);
           for(i=0;i<NP;i++) SL[k].VSO[i] = VO[i];
           k1 = rand()%NP; k2 = rand()%NP;
           permut (SL[k].VSO[k1], SL[k].VSO[k2]);
           SL[k].ValOrd = (rand()%20+50)*(NP+NE/2);
   SL[k].cmax = MAX(SL[k]);

void aff_sol(sol S)
int i,j;
    cout <<"\nOrdonnancement : ";
    for (i=0;i<NP;i++)cout << S.VSO[i] <<" ";
    //cout << " \nLa valeur "<< S.ValOrd<<"\n";
    cout << "\nAffectation : \n";
    for (j=0;j<NE;j++)
   for (i=0;i<NP;i++)cout << S.aff[i][j] <<" ";
   cout << "\n";
cout << "\nCmax = " << S.cmax <<"\n";  

int MAX(sol S)
int f=0,i,j,m=0;
   m += st*0,01*VTP[S.VSO[i]-1]/FSH[j].VT[S.aff[i][j]-1];   
   m += S.ValOrd;
for(i=0;i<NE;i++) f+=FSH[i].NM;
f = f*NP;
return m+f;      

int nbrNA(sol *S, int max)
   int i, nb=0;
   return nb;   
sol best (sol *S)
   int i;
   sol B = S[0];
   if(MAX(S[i])<MAX(B))B = S[i];
   return B;
void genetic(sol *S)
it=0; nb_am=0; int i,j,k1,k2,v,t;
sol S1, S2;
while (it<iter && nb_am<nonam)
i = rand()%pop; j = rand()%pop;
S1 = S[i]; S2 = S[j];
k1 = rand()%NP; k2 = rand()%NP;
permut(S1.VSO[k1], S1.VSO[k2]);
permut(S2.VSO[k1], S2.VSO[k2]);
    v = rand()%NP;
    S1.aff[v][t] = S2.aff[v][t];
    v = rand()%NP;
    S2.aff[v][t] = S1.aff[v][t];
nb_am = nbrNA(S, MAX(best(S)));

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