
In: Biology

Mammals and birds have numerous anatomical and physiological adaptations that allow them to engage in energetically-demanding...

Mammals and birds have numerous anatomical and physiological adaptations that allow them to engage in energetically-demanding activities (e.g., endothermy, flight, etc.). Compare and contrast several of these adaptations between mammals and birds that were discussed in the lecture videos (to compare means to discuss how they are similar and to contrast means to discuss how they are different). Be sure to comments how or why these adaptations permit energetically-demanding activities


Expert Solution

Birds and mammals have several characteristics in common.

  • Birds and mammals are warm blooded., which means they can maintain a constant body temperature and do not need to an external source to stay warm.Being warm blooded ,give birds and mammals the unique ability to live on any landmass on earth. Moreover this similarity lends itself to several other commonalities, such as similar caloric requirements by weight and the ability to remain active in colder temperatures.
  • Because of the presence of backbone and skeletsl systems, all birds and mammals species are classified as vertebrates. It is made up of bones. Birds have hollow bones with Crisscrossed matrix for added strength.The hollow bones are light weight, which allows the birds ,to take flight while the structural matrix add strength to withstand the pressure of taking off and landing.
  • An efficient and effective circulatory system present in both birds and mammals., because birds require a lot of energy in order to fly. So they have evolved a four chambered heart with two atria and ventricles just like mammals. The main benefit of this type of circulatory system is that it allows the separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
  • The blood of birds and mammals contain both red and white blood cells called erythrocytes and leukocytes respectively. In both cases, red blood cells contain haemoglobin, a protein containing iron that is responsible for oxygen transport and give red colour to blood . Both classes have erythrocytes, mammals' erythrocytes lack a nucleus, but the birds have nuclei. Leukocytes of both classes function in immune regulations.
  • Both classes care for their young after they are hatched or born. But the length of time varies from species to species. Female mammals feed their young ones by lactating, while feed their young beak to beak.

Birds and mammals are equally remarkable, but very different.

  • Mammals give birth to young ones, whereas birds lay eggs.
  • Birds have feathers, whereas mammals have only fur or Hair. Birds use feathers for controlling body temperature,flying and attracting opposite sex etc.
  • As birds to fly, birds have hollow bones, while mammals have denser bones.
  • Birds have wings, although mammals have paws,hands and hooves.
  • Mammals feed their young ones, milk produced by the mammary glands.while the young birds are fed by the parents regulating partially digested food.
  • Birds and mammals have larynx.Mammals produce sounds using the larynx, while in birds this organ does not produce sound., instead birds have a syrinx , which serves as s voice box.
  • The lungs of birds do not expand or contract as that of mammals.In mammals oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange by alveoli but in birds exchange happens in air capillaries. There is only a single respiratory cycle in mammals, but in birds there are two respiratory cycles.
  • Comparing the blood ,birds have a nucleus in RBS but it is not in mammals.RBS of birds are oval in shape while in mammals it is round in shape.

The metabolic rate per unit mass is greater in smaller birds than in larger ones. Many morphological and behavioral features of birds have evolved which reducé the energy cost of flight. Some examples are wing shape, use of thermal wind,orographic lift and v formation flight. In addition birds have battle freezing night time temperature while flying high above the mountains.

Mammals have developed varying adaptations in response to different environment in which they live. Mammals, in cold climates have insulating layers, a thick coat of fur , a thick layer of fat that help retain body heat and keep the animal',S body temperature constant.Some mammals that live in desert survive by special adaptations in their kidneys and sweat glands that allow them to survive when only very small amount of water available to them. Other adaptations in survival in extreme climates include hibernation.

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