In: Statistics and Probability
Answers should be in the form of R code on how to accomplish each part and include the correct statistical explanation for those that require it in the question. Please be as thorough as possible. Thank you so much!!!
head(ChickWeight) ## data entry
boxplot(weight~Diet,data=ChickWeight) ## boxplot
ChickWeight.aov=aov(weight~Diet,data=ChickWeight) ## fitting
anova(ChickWeight.aov) ## anova table
TukeyHSD(ChickWeight.aov) ## pairwise comparison
bartlett.test(weight~Diet,data=ChickWeight) ## assumption of equality of variance
shapiro.test(ChickWeight.aov$res) ## checking normality of
qqnorm(ChickWeight.aov$res)## checking normality of residuals
qqline(ChickWeight.aov$res)## checking normality of residuals
I hope I have made it clear, If you have any doubt please ask in comment section.