
In: Computer Science

This assignment will use the Employee class that you developed for assignment 6. Design two subclasses...

This assignment will use the Employee class that you developed for assignment 6. Design two subclasses of Employee…SalariedEmployee and HourlyEmployee. A salaried employee has an annual salary attribute. An hourly employee has an hourly pay rate attribute, an hours worked attribute, and an earnings attribute. An hourly employee that works more than 40 hours gets paid at 1.5 times their hourly pay rate. You will decide how to implement constructors, getters, setters, and any other methods that might be necessary.

Implement the classes, and write a test program that creates a salaried employee and two hourly employees. One of the hourly employees should have hours worked set to less than 40 and one should have hours worked set to more than 40. The test program should display all attributes for the three employees. To keep things simple, the employee classes don’t need to do any editing.

Previous Code:

public class Employeeinfo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
   int n_emp;   
   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
   System.out.println("Enter Number of Employee(s)");
   n_emp = scanner.nextInt();
   Employee array[]=new Employee[n_emp];
   int i = 0;
           String s1,s2,s3; //* String for Input
           System.out.println("What is Employees First Name?");
           s1 =;
           System.out.println("What is Employees Last Name?");
           s2 =;
           Name n = new Name(s1, s2);
           int i1,i2,i3;
                       System.out.println("Please Enter Year Hired:");
                       i1 = scanner.nextInt();
                       if(i1 >= 1900 && i1 <= 2020)
                       System.out.println("Sorry not within Range, Please enter a yearly range between 1900 - 2020"); //* Error if not in range
                   System.out.println("Please Enter Month Hired:");
                   i2 = scanner.nextInt();
                   if(i2 >= 1 && i2 <= 12)
                   System.out.println("Sorry not within Range, Please enter a monthly range between 1 - 12");
                   System.out.println("Please Enter Day Hired:");
                   i3 = scanner.nextInt();
                   if(i3 >= 1 && i3 <= 31)
                   System.out.println("Sorry not within Range, Please enter a daily range between 1 - 31");

           Date d = new Date(i3,i2,i1);

                   System.out.println("Please Enter Street Name:");
                   s1 =;

                   System.out.println("Please Enter City");
                   s2 =;

                   System.out.println("Please Enter State");
                   s3 =;   

                   System.out.println("Please Enter ZipCode");
                   i3 = scanner.nextInt();

                   Address a = new Address(s1, s2, s3, i3);   

                   System.out.println("Please enter a Employee Number");
                   i1 = scanner.nextInt();
                   Employee e =new Employee(i1,n,d,a);

e.myname.fname = n.fname; //* Array to display
e.myname.lname = n.lname;
e.mydate.month = d.month; =;
e.mydate.year = d.year;
e.myadress.street = a.street;
e.myadress.state = a.state; =;
e.myadress.zipcode = a.zipcode;
array[i] = e;
                   System.out.println("List of Employee(s): "); //Print List
                   for (i = 0 ; i< n_emp; i++)
                   System.out.println( array[i].number + " "+ array[i].myname.fname + " " + array[i].myname.lname + " | " + array[i].mydate.month + "/" + array[i] + "/" + array[i].mydate.year + " | "+ array[i].myadress.street + " "+ array[i].myadress.state + " "+ array[i] + ","+ array[i].myadress.zipcode);   


public class Date {
   public int month;
   public int day;
   public int year;

   public Date(int month, int day, int year) {
   this.month = month; = day;
   this.year = year;
   public Date() {
   this.month = 0; = 0;
   this.year = 0;


public class Employee {
   public int number;
   public Date mydate;
   public Address myadress;
   public Name myname;

   public Employee(int number, Name myname, Date mydate, Address myadress) {
   this.number = number;
   this.mydate = new Date();
   this.myadress = new Address();
   this.myname = new Name();
   public Employee() {
   this.number = number;
   this.mydate = new Date();
   this.myadress = new Address();
   this.myname = new Name();


public class Name {
   public String fname;
   public String lname;

   public Name(String fname, String lname) {
   this.fname = fname;
   this.lname = lname;
   public Name() {
   this.fname = "";
   this.lname = "";


public class Address {
   public String street ;
   public String state ;
   public String city;
   public int zipcode;

   public Address(String street, String state, String city, int zipcode) {
   this.street = street;
   this.state = state; = city;
   this.zipcode = zipcode;
   public Address() {
   this.street = "";
   this.state = ""; = "";
   this.zipcode = 0;


Expert Solution


public class Date {
   public int month;
   public int day;
   public int year;

   public Date(int month, int day, int year) {
   this.month = month; = day;
   this.year = year;
   public Date() {
   this.month = 0; = 0;
   this.year = 0;

//end of


public class Name {
   public String fname;
   public String lname;

   public Name(String fname, String lname) {
   this.fname = fname;
   this.lname = lname;
   public Name() {
   this.fname = "";
   this.lname = "";

//end of


public class Address {
   public String street ;
   public String state ;
   public String city;
   public int zipcode;

   public Address(String street, String state, String city, int zipcode) {
   this.street = street;
   this.state = state; = city;
   this.zipcode = zipcode;
   public Address() {
   this.street = "";
   this.state = ""; = "";
   this.zipcode = 0;

//end of


public class Employee {
   public int number;
   public Date mydate;
   public Address myadress;
   public Name myname;

   public Employee(int number, Name myname, Date mydate, Address myadress) {
   this.number = number;
   this.mydate = mydate;
   this.myadress = myadress;
   this.myname = myname;
   public Employee() {
   this.number = 0;
   this.mydate = new Date();
   this.myadress = new Address();
   this.myname = new Name();
   // method to display the details of the Employee
   public void display()
       System.out.println("Number: "+number);
       System.out.println("Name: "+myname.fname+" "+myname.lname);
       System.out.println("Data: "+mydate.month+"/""/"+mydate.year);
       System.out.println("Address: "+myadress.street+" "", "+myadress.state+", "+myadress.zipcode);
// end of


public class SalariedEmployee extends Employee
   public double salary;
   // parameterized constructor
   public SalariedEmployee(int number, Name myname, Date mydate, Address myadress, double salary)
       super(number, myname, mydate, myadress); // call Employee's constructor
       this.salary = salary;
   // default constructor
   public SalariedEmployee()
       this.salary = 0;
   // override Employee's display method to display the additional details
   public void display()
       System.out.printf("Salary: $%,.2f\n",salary);
//end of


public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee
   public double pay_rate;
   public int hours_worked;
   public double earnings;
   // parameterized constructor
   public HourlyEmployee(int number, Name myname, Date mydate, Address myadress, double pay_rate, int hours_worked)
       super(number, myname, mydate, myadress);
       this.pay_rate = pay_rate;
       this.hours_worked = hours_worked;
       // calculate earnings
       if(hours_worked <= 40) // no overtime
           earnings = this.pay_rate*this.hours_worked;
       else // overtime
           earnings = this.pay_rate*40 + (this.hours_worked-40)*1.5*this.pay_rate;
   // default constructor
   public HourlyEmployee()
       pay_rate = 0;
       hours_worked = 0;
       earnings = 0;
   // override display method
   public void display()
       System.out.printf("Pay rate: $%,.2f\n",pay_rate);
       System.out.println("Hours Worked: "+hours_worked);
       System.out.printf("Earnings: $%,.2f\n",earnings);
//end of


public class Employeeinfo {
   public static void main(String[] args)
       // create SalariedEmployee
       SalariedEmployee s = new SalariedEmployee(12, new Name("Shaun","Marsh"), new Date(11, 7, 1995), new Address("Street1","State1","City1",70081), 75000);

       // create HourlyEmployee without any overtime
       HourlyEmployee h1 = new HourlyEmployee(15, new Name("Harry","Doe"), new Date(7, 16, 2000), new Address("Street2","State2","City2",60181), 45.75, 35);

       // create HourlyEmployee with overtime
       HourlyEmployee h2 = new HourlyEmployee(25, new Name("Jerry","Hope"), new Date(10, 16, 2007), new Address("Street3","State3","City3",80111), 45.75, 45);
       // display the details


//end of


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