
In: Statistics and Probability

0 Bedroom Bathroom Cars SQ FT 298,000 3 2.5 0 1,566 319,900 3 2.5 0 2,000...

0 Bedroom Bathroom Cars SQ FT
298,000 3 2.5 0 1,566
319,900 3 2.5 0 2,000
354,000 3 2 2 0
374,900 4 2.5 0 2,816
385,000 4 2 0 0
389,000 3 2.5 0 2,248
399,000 4 3 0 2,215
415,000 3 2.5 0 3,188
444,900 3 2 0 2,530
450,000 3 2 0 1,967
465,000 4 3 0 2,564
340,000 4 2.5 0 2,293
275,000 3 2.5 2 1,353
425,000 3 2 0 1,834
250,000 3 2.5 0 5,837
450,000 3 2.5 0 9,060
390,000 3 3.5 0 1,002
269,000 3 2.5 0 1,680
425,000 3 2.5 2 4,356
425,000 2 2.5 2 2,993
425,000 3 3 0 4,356
429,900 5 3.5 1 2,154
400,000 3 2.5 2 1,846
399,900 3 2 1 2,018
388,990 4 4 0 2,295
  1. Construct and interpret a correlation matrix for your data. and explain the relationship.
  2. Show the step wise process of determining the best regression model to predict PRICE. EXPLAIN the process as you move from the full model to your final model.
  3. make 3 regression models based on cars, bedroom, bath room.
  4. Using your final model, select values for the independent variables and predict the house’s sales price.


Expert Solution

Construct and interpret a correlation matrix for your data. and explain the relationship.

Price Bedroom Bathroom Cars SQ FT
1 0.116311 0.069295 -0.01194 0.182509
0.116311 1 0.454391 -0.27731 -0.16482
0.069295 0.454391 1 -0.14388 0.0818
-0.01194 -0.27731 -0.14388 1 -0.15225
0.182509 -0.16482 0.0818 -0.15225 1

The correlation matrix shows that Bedroom, SQ FT and Bathroom have a good positive relationship with Price and Cars has a negative relationship with Price.

Show the step wise process of determining the best regression model to predict PRICE. EXPLAIN the process as you move from the full model to your final model.

The regression output is:

Adjusted R² 0.000
R   0.245
Std. Error   63973.056
n   25
k   4
Dep. Var. Price
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 5,22,26,51,649.4394 4   1,30,56,62,912.3598 0.32 .8619
Residual 81,85,10,38,446.5607 20   4,09,25,51,922.3280
Total 87,07,36,90,096.0000 24  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=20) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 3,09,980.8034
Bedroom 17,945.0381 25,574.4249 0.702 .4910 -35,402.2774 71,292.3537
Bathroom -2,595.9465 28,990.2834 -0.090 .9295 -63,068.6180 57,876.7249
Cars 5,114.6350 16,897.8149 0.303 .7653 -30,133.5893 40,362.8593
SQ FT 7.3638 7.4722 0.985 .3362 -8.2230 22.9505

The best regression model to predict PRICE is:

PRICE = 3,09,980.8034 + 17,945.0381Bedroom -2,595.9465Bathroom + 5,114.6350Cars + 7.3638SQ FT

make 3 regression models based on cars, bedroom, bath room.

The regression models based on cars is:

r   -0.012
Std. Error   61524.573
n   25
k   1
Dep. Var. Price
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 1,24,07,863.4877 1   1,24,07,863.4877 0.00 .9548
Residual 87,06,12,82,232.5123 23   3,78,52,73,140.5440
Total 87,07,36,90,096.0000 24  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=23) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 3,83,919.1626
Cars -874.0887 15,267.0666 -0.057 .9548 -32,456.4221 30,708.2448

The estimated regression equation is:

PRICE = 3,83,919.1626 -874.0887Cars

The regression models based on bedroom is:

r   0.116
Std. Error   61111.349
n   25
k   1
Dep. Var. Price
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 1,17,79,59,510.1593 1   1,17,79,59,510.1593 0.32 .5798
Residual 85,89,57,30,585.8407 23   3,73,45,96,981.9931
Total 87,07,36,90,096.0000 24  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=23) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 3,46,057.9646
Bedroom 11,415.1327 20,325.3324 0.562 .5798 -30,631.0207 53,461.2862

The estimated regression equation is:

PRICE = 3,46,057.9646 + 11,415.1327Bedroom

The regression models based on bath room is:

r   0.069
Std. Error   61381.057
n   25
k   1
Dep. Var. Price
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 41,81,05,299.9432 1   41,81,05,299.9432 0.11 .7421
Residual 86,65,55,84,796.0568 23   3,76,76,34,121.5677
Total 87,07,36,90,096.0000 24  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=23) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 3,62,547.9653
Bathroom 8,120.7886 24,377.5318 0.333 .7421 -42,307.9781 58,549.5553

The estimated regression equation is:

PRICE = 3,62,547.9653 + 8,120.7886Bathroom

Using your final model, select values for the independent variables and predict the house’s sales price.

Let a place has 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 8 Cars and an area of 3,000 SQ FT.

The house’s sales PRICE will be:

The best regression model to predict PRICE is:

PRICE = 3,09,980.8034 + 17,945.0381Bedroom -2,595.9465Bathroom + 5,114.6350Cars + 7.3638SQ FT

The best regression model to predict PRICE is:

PRICE = 3,09,980.8034 + 17,945.0381*3 -2,595.9465*2 + 5,114.6350*8 + 7.3638*3,000

PRICE = $4,21,632.379

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