
In: Computer Science

Use JAVA BASICS  classes, aggregation and manipulating arrays of objects. I DO NOT WANT THE SAME SOLUTION...

Use JAVA BASICS  classes, aggregation and manipulating arrays of objects.




A dog shelter would like a simple system to keep track of all the dogs that pass through the facility.

The system must record for each dog:

dogId (int) - must be unique

name (string)

age (double) - cannot be less than 0 or more than 25

breed (string)

sex (char) – m for male, f for female

foundHome (bool)    - true means the dogs has been places in a home false otherwise.

You must create an object oriented solution with a text based menu as summarized on the next page. The system must check that valid data is entered. For example, the menu has four items so only 1 to 5 must be allowed as input from the menu.

Summary of Operations

System Menu:

  1. Add dog
  2. View all dogs
  3. View all available dogs
  4. Update dog home status
  5. exit


Add Dog:

When a dog is added to the system, you must check that the dogId is not already used in the system. All new dogs have no home as yet (foundHome = false).

View all Dogs:

This menu option shows all dogs in the system. This includes dogs that have a home and those that do not.

View all available dogs:

Shows all dogs in the system, that have no homes as yet.

View dog:

Asks the user for a dogId and then displays the dog information if found and “There is no dog with that id..” if it is not found.

Update dog home status:

Asks the user for a dogId. If a dog with that id is found, the “foundHome” status is changed to true and the dog information is to be displayed. If the dog is not found the message “There is no dog with that id..” should be displayed.


Expert Solution

public class Dog {
   //instance variables
   private int dogId;
   private String name;
   private double age;
   private String breed;
   private char sex;
   private boolean foundHome;

   //default constructor
   public Dog()
       this.dogId = 0; = "";
       this.age = 0;
       this.breed = ""; = ' ';
       this.foundHome = false;

   //constructor with parameters
   public Dog(int dogId, String name, double age, String breed, char sex, boolean foundHome)
       this.dogId = dogId; = name;
       this.age = age;
       this.breed = breed; = sex;
       this.foundHome = foundHome;

   //method that gets the dogId
   public int getDogId()
       return this.dogId;

   //method that gets the dog name
   public String getName()

   //method that gets the dog age
   public double getAge()
       return this.age;

   //method that gets the dog breed
   public String getBreed()
       return this.breed;

   //method that gets the dog sex
   public char getSex()

   //method that gets the home of the dog
   public boolean getFoundHome()
       return this.foundHome;

   //method that sets the dogId
   public void setDogId(int dogId)
       this.dogId = dogId;

   //method that sets the dog name
   public void setName(String name)
   { = name;

   //method that sets the dog age
   public void setAge(double age)
       this.age = age;

   //method that sets the dog breed
   public void setBreed(String breed)
       this.breed = breed;

   //method that sets the dog sex
   public void setSex(char sex)
   { = sex;

   //method that sets the home of the dog
   public void setFoundHome(boolean foundHome)
       this.foundHome = foundHome;

   //display the dog
   public String toString()
           return "ID: " + getDogId() + " Name: " + getName() + " Age: " + getAge() + " Breed: " + getBreed()
           + " Sex: " + getSex() + " Found Home: Yes";
           return "ID: " + getDogId() + " Name: " + getName() + " Age: " + getAge() + " Breed: " + getBreed()
           + " Sex: " + getSex() + " Found Home: No";

public class DogShelter extends Dog {
   //instance variable
   private Dog[] dogs = new Dog[100];
   private static int numberOfDogs = 0;
   //method that adds a dog to the system
   public void addDog(int dogId, String name, double age, String breed, char sex)
       boolean dogExists = false;
       //check if the dog id exists
       for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDogs; i++)
           if(dogs[i].getDogId() == dogId)
               dogExists = true;
       //add the dog if id does not exist
           dogs[numberOfDogs] = new Dog(dogId, name, age, breed, sex, false);
           System.out.println("Dog added successfully");
       //else display error message
           System.out.println("DogId already exists");
   //method that displays all the dogs
   public void viewAllDogs()
       for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDogs; i++)
   //method that displays the dogs that don't have home yet
   public void viewAllAvailableDogs()
       //run a loop and display all the dogs
       for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDogs; i++)
           if(dogs[i].getFoundHome() == false)
   //method that shows a particular dog
   public void viewDog(int dogId)
       int index = -1;
       //check if dog exists with given id
       for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDogs; i++)
           //if exists store the index
           if(dogs[i].getDogId() == dogId)
               index = i;
       //if index is -1 display error message
       if(index == -1)
           System.out.println("There is no dog with that id..");
       //else display the dog
   //method that update the dog home status
   public void updateDogHomeStatus(int dogId)
       int index = -1;
       //check if dog exists with given id
       for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDogs; i++)
           //if exists store the index
           if(dogs[i].getDogId() == dogId)
               index = i;
       //if index is -1 display error message
       if(index == -1)
           System.out.println("There is no dog with that id..");
       //else update and display the dog
           System.out.println("\nUpdated dog info:");

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DogShelterDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Scanner input = new Scanner(;
       DogShelter dogs = new DogShelter();
       int dogId;
       String name;
       double age;
       String breed;
       char sex;
       int userChoice;
       //run a loop until the user wishes to exit
           //display the menu
           System.out.println("1. Add dog");
           System.out.println("2. View all dogs");
           System.out.println("3. View all available dogs");
           System.out.println("4. Update dog home status");
           System.out.println("5. Exit");
           //prompt and read the user choice
           System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
           userChoice = input.nextInt();
           //run a switch case based on user choice
           case 1:
               //read the dog details from the user
               System.out.print("Enter the dog id: ");
               dogId = input.nextInt();
               System.out.print("Enter the name: ");
               name = input.nextLine();
               System.out.print("Enter the age: ");
               age = input.nextInt();
               while(age < 1 || age > 25)
                   System.out.println("Age cannot be less than 1 and greater than 25. Try again: ");
                   age = input.nextInt();
               System.out.print("Enter the breed: ");
               breed = input.nextLine();
               System.out.print("Enter the sex: ");
               sex = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
               dogs.addDog(dogId, name, age, breed, sex); //add the dog
           case 2:
               //display all the dogs
               System.out.println("\nInfo of all dogs:");
           case 3:
               //display all available dogs
               System.out.println("\nInfo of all dogs available:");
           case 4:
               //prompt and read the dogId
               System.out.print("Enter the dog id: ");
               dogId = input.nextInt();
               //update the home status
           case 5:
               System.out.println("Thank you for using our system.");
               System.out.println("Invalid input.");
       }while(userChoice != 5);


Code Screenshots:

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