
In: Operations Management

What Management principles have (female) Prime-Ministers of Singapore, Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and...

  1. What Management principles have (female) Prime-Ministers of Singapore, Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Denmark applied to control and limit spread of CORONA-19 in their societies? ,,,
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Ans 1.

Management principles applied by the Prime-Ministers of Singapore, Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Denmark to control and limit spread of CORONA-19 in their societies are:

1. Crisis Management: Since this is a health crisis as well as economic crisis so formulation of effective covid-19 policy by engaging all stakeholders including World health organization (WHO) , United Nations, World bank, community leaders, local administration and police department

2. Policy formulation: By formulation of policy with regard to wearing of masks at public places, lockdown of all hot spots and quarantine policy of international passengers.

3. Policy execution: By ensuring that police and law enforcement agencies were acting strictly as per the guidelines set in the policy

4. Continuous monitoring of cases: By monitoring the emergence of cases and using technology to prevent the virus from spreading by surveillance.

5. Technology use: Using mobile application to spread the information about presence of covid patients nearby. Using surveillance to catch those not following lockdown.

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