A) Some of the points that shall be taken into examination
whether or not a merger should be allowed are:
- Whether the merger is beneficial to the economy or not.
- Whether the merger will lead to a monopoly kind of situation or
not. If the merger results in giving the merged firms higher
authority and power in the market then that will lead to
consumer losses and other producers losses as well.
- Whether the merger is benefiting the consumers or is just
focused on gaining personal profits. If the customers of the
product produced by the firm do not benefit then there will be
inefficiency in the market.
- Whether the price of the product is reduced after the
- Whether efficient levels of production is taking place or
B) A merger leads to some advantages and disadvantages as well.
This will require the government to intervene and help the economy
function smoothly. Thus when the public interest is threatened or
when the merger leads to undue power of the firms, the government
intervenes to help the economy and market function well. The
government shall enter so as to check if the interest of all is
being taken care of or not.
C) Two broad economic reasons by the immigration is justified
into the USA:
- The people who immigrate help the US economy by paying taxes.
These taxes thus collected are used for various purposes by the
- The immigrants are mainly from poor developing countries and
thus contribute as labors in the US market and do work that the US
citizens do not like to do. Thus the labor cost ration is also well