
In: Computer Science

Design a variant of the hybrid merge-join algorithm for the case where both relations are not...

Design a variant of the hybrid merge-join algorithm for the case where both relations are not physically sorted, but both have a sorted secondary index on the join attributes.


Expert Solution

//Hybrid join merge Algorithm

pr = address of first tuple of relation r;
ps = address of first of relation s;
while (ps!=null && pr!=null) do begin
         ts = tuple to which ps points;
         Ss = {ts};
        set ps to point the next tuple of relation s;
        done = false;
        while (!done && ps!=null) do begin
                ts? = tuple to which ps points;
                 if (ts?[JoinAttrs] = ts[JoinAttrs])
                        Ss = Ss U {ts?};
                        set ps to point the next tuple of relation s;
                    done = true;
   tr = tuple to which pr points;
   while (pr !=null && tr [JoinAttrs] < ts[JoinAttrs]) do begin
        for each ts in Ss do begin
              add ts   ⋈    tr to result;
        set pr to point nest tuple of r;
          tr = tuple to which pr points;

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