
In: Finance

The Woodruff Corporation purchased a piece of equipment three years ago for $210,000. It has an...

The Woodruff Corporation purchased a piece of equipment three years ago for $210,000. It has an asset depreciation range (ADR) midpoint of eight years. The old equipment can be sold for $86,500. A new piece of equipment can be purchased for $304,000. It also has an ADR of eight years. Assume the old and new equipment would provide the following operating gains (or losses) over the next six years.

Year New Equipment Old Equipment

1 $79,000 $23,500

2 78,000 17,500

3 71,500 8,500

4 58,250 6,750

5 48,500 5,500

6 44,500 -5,250

The firm has a 25 percent tax rate and a 9 percent cost of capital.

a. What is the net cost of the new equipment?

b. What is the present value of the incremental benefits?

c. What is the NPV of this replacement decision?


Expert Solution

1. ADR of 8 years implies MACRS schedule of 5 years to be following for depreciation

2. Net Sales value of old equipment now:

Old equipment purchase price ( 3 years ago) 210,000
Depreciaion of year -3 (under MACRS schedule) at 20% 42,000 (210,000*20%)
Depreciaion of year -2 (under MACRS schedule) at 32% 67,200 (210,000*32%)
Depreciaion of year -1 (under MACRS schedule) at 19.2% 40,320 (210,000*19.2%)
Total depreciation from year 1 to 3 149,520
Net Book Value 60,480 (210,000-149,520)
Sale of old equipment now 86,500
Profit 26,020 (86,500-60,480)
Tax on profit 6,505 (26,020*25%)
Net Sales value of equipment now 79,995 (86,500-6,505)

3. Yearly Operating Gains

Operating gains (before tax) Operating gains (after tax) = (Operating gains (before tax) *(100% - 25%)
Years New Equipment Old Equipment Incremental (New Equipment - Old Equipment) New Equipment Old Equipment Incremental (New Equipment - Old Equipment)
1          79,000          23,500            55,500          59,250          17,625                41,625
2          78,000          17,500            60,500          58,500          13,125                45,375
3          71,500            8,500            63,000          53,625            6,375                47,250
4          58,250            6,750            51,500          43,688            5,063                38,625
5          48,500            5,500            43,000          36,375            4,125                32,250
6          44,500          (5,250)            49,750          33,375          (3,938)                37,313

4. Yearly depreciation and tax shield on depreciation

New Equipment Old Equipment
Years Rate Depreciation (New equipment cost of $304,000*Rate) Tax shield (Depreciation * 25%) Rate Depreciation (New equipment cost of $210,000*Rate) Tax shield (Depreciation * 25%)
1 20.00%                       60,800                15,200 11.52%                       24,192                      6,048
2 32.00%                       97,280                24,320 11.52%                       24,192                      6,048
3 19.20%                       58,368                14,592 5.76%                       12,096                      3,024
4 11.52%                       35,021                  8,755
5 11.52%                       35,021                  8,755
6 5.76%                       17,510                  4,378

5. Discount factor at 9%

Year 1 = 1/(100%+9%)^1 = 0.917

Year 2 = 1/(100%+9%)^2 = 0.842

Year 3 = 1/(100%+9%)^3 = 0.772

Year 4 = 1/(100%+9%)^4 = 0.708

Year 5 = 1/(100%+9%)^5 = 0.650

Year 6 = 1/(100%+9%)^6 = 0.596

6. Calculation of Net-Present Value

Cash-flows Present value of cash-flows (Cash-flows * Present Value factor at 9%
Years Particulars New Equipment Old Equipment Present Value factor at 9% New Equipment Old Equipment Incremental (New equipment - Old equipment)
0 Purchase cost     (304,000)                   -         1.000      (304,000)                     -           (304,000)
0 Sale of old equipment          79,995                   -         1.000          79,995                     -                79,995
0 Initial Outlay     (224,005)                   -         1.000      (224,005)                     -           (224,005)
1 Operating Gains (after tax)          59,250          17,625       0.917          54,358            16,170              38,188
2          58,500          13,125       0.842          49,238            11,047              38,191
3          53,625            6,375       0.772          41,408              4,923              36,486
4          43,688            5,063       0.708          30,949              3,586              27,363
5          36,375            4,125       0.650          23,641              2,681              20,960
6          33,375          (3,938)       0.596          19,900            (2,348)              22,248
1 Tax shield on Depreciation          15,200            6,048       0.917          13,945              5,549                8,396
2          24,320            6,048       0.842          20,470              5,090              15,379
3          14,592            3,024       0.772          11,268              2,335                8,933
4            8,755                   -         0.708             6,202                     -                  6,202
5            8,755                   -         0.650             5,690                     -                  5,690
6            4,378                   -         0.596             2,610                     -                  2,610
Total Present Value

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