Commercial importance of algae:
- Red Algae (Gelidium) is used to prepare commericially
important product - agar which is a gel forming substance. It is a
common ingredient in many Asian desserts and is also used in
microbiology procedures.
- Edible seaweeds algae ( bull kelp brown algae Nereocystis
luetkeana, giant kelp etc.) are used in the preparation of food and
is harvested to make a variety of commercial products.
- Seaweed and microalgae are also potential source of protein
and are used for protein production. Chlorella (a genus of
single-cell green algae), due to their high protein content, are
used for the production of single cell protein, for making
nutritional supplements and medicines. Algae are considered as
superfoods due to high concentration of important vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants and proteins.
- Green microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis
is used for the production of carotenoid pigments such as
- High value commericially important products are produced in
microalgae with recombinant DNA technology