
In: Operations Management

We are a new Cell Phone Service Company from Argentina. We have done well there, because...

We are a new Cell Phone Service Company from Argentina. We have done well there, because we help out locally and charitably. We are going to expand worldwide. We will be able to offer free cell phones to everyone who buys our service. Our Cell Service will be 50% cheaper than all of the top brands like Verizon and AT&T. We cannot get a contract with Apple so we will not be able to offer the Iphone. Create a SWOT analysis on our company and the idea of moving forward in this market.


Expert Solution

SWOT analysis of the company


Company has a very strong pricing policy which would be attracting customers at a very large scale. This cost-benefit approach would definitely gather huge amount of users at a very short period of time. As there are millions of Android users available across the globe, they would be using the services at a very large scale and it would get benefited are developing countries at a very huge scale.


Low pricing policy affect its business customers. It would also create a negative impact on the brand image regarding quality as cheap services are usually considered as of inferior quality.

Company would also not be able to offer the iPhone, which is a very major drawback us there are millions of people using iPhones and the telecommunication services. This is one of the most important part of operational structure for the company where losing a significant device can be very harmful.


Expansion of businesses to the developing countries like India, china and Bangladesh would be appropriate as these companies have huge availability of the Marketplace and relatively less number of competitors are the market segment in which the companies operating.


Changing rules and regulations in different countries, entrance of larger market competitors with lady lower price are also major concern and a threat for the company. This would definitely impact the overall business of the company as the largest competitors have better paying capacity for introducing new plans, threat regarding operations in very limited market segment is also present for the company.

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