
In: Computer Science

The design of an application is the most crucial part of creating an internet application. This...

The design of an application is the most crucial part of creating an internet application. This first step is the planning phase that determines the direction of the development and normally takes the longest time. Your task is to propose a simple website that will include several pages that address a business need. This business can be anything, from an online shop, to a blog, to a gallery.

Your first task is to determine what the stakeholder wants. This means you must interview the stakeholder and gather criteria that they want. Provide background information on your chosen organization, describing its functions, goals, operating context, etc. For example, if you choose a video store chain, describe who is involved with the store (e.g., staff, customers), what products and services it provides, how it does so, etc. An application requirements specification is a description of the application to be developed. To fully understand the project, it is important to come up with a list of the requirements and how they are going to be met. It helps save time as you can comprehend how you are going implement the project, regardless of the topic you choose to do. There are several Technical Requirements that your application must include. 1. The site shall include a menu that links to the other sections and sub-sections of the page. 2. The site shall have at least 4 sections and be linked to from the main page. You must document the importance of each section and why it is relevant to the overall site. a. Each section shall have at least an index.html page and a secondary page that links from the index.html page. You can have more than two pages in each section. b. Each section shall have its own folder within the project folder of the root of your site. c. Each page must have the same general layout as the overall site for design consistency. i. All images used must be contextually part of the site and random images will be considered poor design. ii. Colors, fonts, and design elements must follow the design principles we have covered throughout the semester. iii. Your design for each shall be clean, concise, and straight to the point with minimal distractions. d. Each page must use the same fonts, colors, and style as the main page, again for design uniformity e. The site must have an about page with a paragraph layout and links to email the author (you). 3. The site shall have no less than 12 pages a. 3 for each section or you can spread them with some sections having more than others b. each section shall have no less than 1 page. 4. The site shall have at least one animation implemented in JavaScript on at least one of the pages. 5. The site shall have at least two forms 1 for user registration and the other for anything of your choosing depending on the needs of your website. a. You must use JavaScript validation to verify all data that is entered into your form. 6. All CSS styles must be imported from one or more style sheets in the css folder of your project. a. All styles shared by more than 1 tag must implement a css class and be assigned that class. 7. All JavaScript files must be imported from one or more js files in the js folder of your project. 8. All Images must fit within the boundaries of the page and presented in a uniform manner. a. Images must be contextually relevant to the page or it will be considered poor design. 9. All HTML must be valid and must be checked for compliance. Considering these requirements, you must write your requirements based on this. If your site is a store for example, you need to create a site that has a User Registration form, a listing of products, the details of each item, a checkout form, a review of each item, and finally the receipt once a user checks out. There are of course many more things that a store can offer, so you must determine this in your design write up. Plan the sections out and determine what sections are needed and explain why they are needed. Determine what pages are needed within each section and explain why they would be needed as the final step. Document this in the template that is included with this project phase.

In addition, this is your proposed design of the website, so you must show the layout for some of the Sections of your site using either mock-ups or front-end webpages. Mock-ups can be done using freely available tools. For the most part, any drawing tool should work for this portion. There shall be 1 mockup per section of your site or more if you really want to get creative. This will help you plan the layout of your site. The following is a list of free drawing tools: Paint 3D in Windows 10, Pencil, Gimp, MyPaint, Moqups, Lucid charts, MediaBang

From your design requirements, draw out a site map. The map should show each section and the pages within each section. You can use this tool: to generate your site map. Select the matrix option to have the structure below. Below is a sample of a sitemap for a blog. Yours should vary depending on the requirements you came up with. Simply take a screenshot once you are done. If you do not sign up for an account, you may end up having to restart the whole thing again if you made a mistake. With that said, you do not need to save it on the site or create an account.


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SDLC Planning Analysis Design Implementation



The planning stage is the basic process of understanding why an information system should be built and determining how the project team is going to build it. It has two steps:

1. During project initiation, the business value of the system to the organization is identified: how will it lower costs or increase revenue? Most of the ideas for the new system came from outside the IS region (from the marketing department, accounting department, etc.) in the form of a request system. The system request presents a brief summary of the business needs, and it describes how the system that supports the needs will create business value. The IS department works with people or departments that generate demand (called project sponsorships) to conduct competency analysis.

Compatibility analysis examines key aspects of the proposed project:
■ Technical feasibility of the idea (Can we build it?)
■ Economic opportunity (Will it give business value?)
■ Organizational feasibility (If we build it, will it work?)

System requests and capability analysis are submitted to the information system approval committee (sometimes called the leadership committee), who decide whether the project should be implemented.

2. Once the project is approved, it goes into project management. As long as project management, project managers create work plans, create projects, and put techniques in place to help project teams control and direct projects across
the whole SDLC. What can be submitted for project management is a project plan, that is
explain how the project team will develop the system.

Information system projects are usually complicated. They need time, effort is important. and economic investment Problems that need to be solved are often vague. which means that the solution imagined early can be premature. Therefore, system projects should be planned carefully. System Initiation establishes project scope and problem-solving plans. Thus, we see that the Initiation system sets the scope of the project, its purpose,
schedules, and budgets needed to resolve issues or opportunities represented by the project. The scope of the project determines the business area to be discussed by the project and the goals to be achieved. Scope and ultimate goal Influence on committee resources. Is. schedule and budget, it must be done to successfully complete the project .. By setting the project schedule and budget against the scope and purpose, you also set a baseline by which all stakeholders can accept the fact that there are changes fut futures In scope or goals that will affect schedule and budget.

The Planning Stage is a basic two-step process for understanding why an information system should be developed and creating a plan for how the project team will develop it. Delivery of two steps combined into a project plan,
which is submitted to the project sponsor and approval committee at the end of the Planning Stage. They decide whether it is recommended to carry out a system development project.

The analysis stage answers the questions of who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used. During this phase, the project team examines any existing systems, identifies opportunities for improvement, and develops concepts for new systems.

This phase has three steps:
1. Analytical strategies developed to guide project team efforts. Such strategies usually include the analysis of current systems (called as-is systems) and their problems, and then ways of designing new systems (called to-be systems).
2. The next step is to collect requirements (for example, through an interview or questionnaire). The analysis of this information — sought and input from project sponsors and many others — led to the development of concepts for the new system. The concept of systems then serves as the basis for developing a set of business analysis models, which describe how a business will operate if a new system is developed. A collection of models typically includes models that represent the data and processes needed to support the business processes under it.
3. Analysis, system concepts, and models are combined into documents called system proposals, which are submitted to project sponsors and other important decision makers (e.g. members of the approval committee) who decide whether the project should then move on. forward.

The system proposal is an initial delivery that explains what business requirements should be met by the new system. Since this is actually the first step in the design of a new system, some experts say that it is inappropriate to use the term analysis as a name for
this phase; some suggest better names will be analyzed with the initial design. Most organizations still use name analysis for this phase, however, so we use it well in this book. Just keep in mind that what can be generated from the analysis stage is either analysis
High level initial design for new systems.

System analysis is intended to provide the project team a better understanding of the problems and needs triggered by the tile project.
As such, business areas (project scope- as defined during the Initiation system) can be researched and analyzed to gain a more detailed understanding of what works, what does not, and what is needed. System analysis needs to work with user systems to clearly set business requirements and expectations for new systems to be purchased or developed. Also. Business priorities are thought to be set If the schedule and budget are not sufficient to achieve all that is desired,

Determination Requirements to Do:-
you will learn here about the various methods used by system analysts to gather the information needed to judge system requirements.

In many ways, the requirements determination step is the most critical step for all SDLCs. Here the main elements of the system first appear. As long as the requirements are correct, the system is easily modified because little work has been done. As the system goes through the next steps in the SDLC, it becomes increasingly difficult to return to proper determination and make changes because of all the improvements involved.

While many factors contribute to the failure of system development projects, failure to determine the correct requirements is a major cause.1 This is why the iterative approach of many RADs and effective agile methodologies - a small set of requirements can be identified and implemented at an increasing stage, allowing the system to change and bloom over time. In this lesson, we will focus on the required determination steps of
stage of analysis. We begin by explaining what the requirements are and the general process of requirements analysis and collecting requirements.

System Request
The business value for an information system is identified and then described in a system request. This form contains the project’s sponsor, business need, business requirements, and business value of the information system, along with any other issues or constraints that are important to the project. The document is submitted to an approval committee who determines whether the project would be a wise investment of the organization’s time and resources.

A system request is a document that describes the business reasons for building a system and the value that the system is expected to provide. The project sponsor usually completes this form as part of a formal system project selection process within the organization. Most system requests include five elements: project sponsor, business need, business requirements, business value, and special issues.

The business requirements of the project refer to the business capabilities that the system will need to have, and the business value describes the benefits that the organization should expect from the system. Special issues are included on the document as a catchall category for other information that should be considered in assessing the project. For example, the project may need to be completed by a specific deadline. Project teams need to be aware of any special circumstances that could affect the outcome of the system.

The completed system request is submitted to the approval committee for consideration. This approval committee could be a company steering committee that meets regularly to make information systems decisions, a senior executive who has control of organizational resources, or any other decision-making body that governs the use of business resources. The committee reviews the system request
and makes an initial determination, based on the information provided, of whether to investigate the pro project or not. If so, the next step is to conduct a feasibility analysis.

Feasibility Analysis
Once the need for the system and its business requirements have been defined, the approval committee may authorize the systems analyst to create a more detailed business case to better understand the opportunities and limitations associated with the proposed project. Feasibility analysis guides the organization in determining whether to proceed with a project. Feasibility analysis also identifies the important risks associated with the project that must be addressed if the project is approved. As with the system request, each organization has its own process and format for the feasibility analysis, but most include techniques to assess three areas: technical
feasibility, economic feasibility, and organizational feasibility. The results of these techniques are combined into a feasibility study deliverable that is given to the approval committee at the end of project initiation.

A feasibility analysis is then used to provide more detail about the risks associated with the proposed system, and it includes technical, economic, and organizational feasibilities. The technical feasibility focuses on whether the system can be built, by examining the risks associated with the users’ and analysts’ familiarity with the application, familiarity with the technology, project size, and compatibility with existing systems. The economic feasibility addresses whether the system should be built. It includes a cost–benefit analysis of development costs, operational costs, tangible benefits, and intangible costs and benefits. Finally, the organizational feasibility analysis assesses how well the system will be accepted by its users and incorporated into the ongoing operations of the organization. The strategic alignment of the project and a stakeholder analysis can be used to assess this feasibility dimension.

Technical Feasibility
The first technique in the feasibility analysis is to assess the technical feasibility of the project, the extent to which the system can be successfully designed, developed, and installed by the IT group. Technical feasibility analysis is, in essence, a technical risk analysis that strives to answer the question: “Can we build it?”
Familiarity with the technology is another important source of technical risk. When a system will use technology that has not been used before within the organization, there is a greater chance that problems will occur and delays will be incurred because of the need to learn how to use the technology.
Project size is an important consideration, whether measured as the number of people on the development team, the length of time it will take to complete the project, or the number of distinct features in the system. Larger projects present more risk, because they are more complicated to manage and because there is a greater chance that some important system requirements will be overlooked or

misunderstood. The extent to which the project is highly integrated with other systems (which is typical of large systems) can cause problems, because complexity is increased when many systems must work together.
Finally, project teams need to consider the compatibility of the new system with the technology that already exists in the organization. Systems rarely are built in a vacuum—they are built in organizations that have numerous systems already in place. New technology and applications need to be able to integrate with the existing environment for many reasons. They may rely on data from existing systems, they may produce data that feed other applications, and they may have to use the company’s existing communications infrastructure. A new CRM system, for example, has little value if it does not use customer data found across the organization in existing sales systems, marketing applications, and customer service systems.
The assessment of a project’s technical feasibility is not cut and dried, because in many cases, some interpretation of the underlying conditions is needed (e.g., how large does a project need to grow before it becomes less feasible?). One approach is to compare the project under consideration with prior projects undertaken by the
organization. Another option is to consult with experienced IT professionals in the organization or with external IT consultants; often, they will be able to judge whether a project is feasible from a technical perspective.

Economic Feasibility
The second element of a feasibility analysis is to perform an economic feasibility
analysis (also called a cost–benefit analysis) that identifies the financial risk associated with the project. This attempts to answer the question “Should we build the
system?” Economic feasibility is determined by identifying costs and benefits associated with the system, assigning values to them, and then calculating the cash flow
and return on investment for the project. The more expensive the project, the more
rigorous and detailed the analysis should be.

Stakeholders for Organizational Qualifications

The champion is a top-level executive and usually, but not always, the project sponsor who creates the system request. Champions support projects by providing time and resources (e.g., money) and providing political support within the organization by disseminating the importance of the system to those who make decisions for other organizations. More than one winner is more likely because
The winner leaves the organization, his support will also be lifted.

While the winner provides day-to-day support for the system, organizational management should also support the project. Such management support conveys to the rest of the organization the confidence that the system will make a valuable contribution and the resources it will need will be available. Ideally, management should encourage people in the organization to use the system and accept the many changes that are likely to be made by the system.

An important group of people is the system users who will eventually use the system once installed in the organization. Too often, project teams meet with users at the beginning of a project and then disappear until after the system has been created. In this situation, it is rare for the end product to meet the expectations and needs of the people who are supposed to use it, because
need to change with the user to be better as the project progresses. User participation should be promoted throughout the development process to ensure that the final system will be accepted and used, by engaging active users involved in system development (e.g., performing tasks, providing feedback, and making decisions).

Final feasibility research helps organizations make more informed information about IS because it forces project forces to consider technical, economic, and organizational factors that can affect their projects. It protects IT experts from criticism by maintaining business units that are educated about decisions and positioned as leaders in the decision-making process. Compatibility-study should be revised several times during the project at the point where the project team makes critical decisions about the system (e.g., before design begins). Final feasibility research can be used to support and explain the critical choices made throughout the SDLC.

Applying Concepts in Sources Adapting
Steering committee meets and puts high digital music download projects on its project list. The next step is for Carly and Jason to develop a compatibility analysis. The following image presents an executive summary page of the compatibility study: The report is about 10 pages long, and it provides additional details and supporting documentation. As shown in the Figure below, the project is quite risky from a technical point of view. Source Tune has minimal experience with proposed applications and technologies. One solution is to hire a consultant to work with the IT department and offer guidance.
Economic probability analysis includes the assumptions made by Carly at the request of the system. A summary spreadsheet of the resulting values ​​in the analysis is likely to be included in Appendix 1B. The construction cost is estimated at around $ 280,000. This is a very rough estimate, as Jason had to make some assumptions about the amount of time required to design and program the system. However, the digital music download system seems to be economically powerful.
Organizational qualifications are shown in the Figure below. There are strong champions, well placed in the organization, to support the project. The project comes from the business or functional side of the company, not the IS department, and support for the project among a strong senior management team.
Additional stakeholders in the project are the management team responsible for traditional store operations and store managers. They should be quite supportive, indicating the additional services that can now be offered. Carly and Jason need to make sure that they are involved in the development of the system so that they can be fully integrated into their business processes.

Determining Cash Flow Cost analysis - formal benefits usually contain costs and benefits over a selected number of years (usually three to five years) to indicate cash flow over time. (See Figure Above.) With this cash flow method, the years are listed at the top of the spreadsheet to represent the analysis period, and the numerical values ​​are entered in the corresponding cells in the body of the spreadsheet. Sometimes, a fixed number is entered into the column. For example, the image above lists the same number of customer complaint phones, inventory costs, hardware, and software over a four-year period. Often, the amount is augmented by some level of growth to adjust inflation or business increase, as shown by the 6% increase added to the number of sales in the sample spreadsheet. Similarly, labor costs are assumed to increase at a rate of 4% each year. Finally, the amount added to determine what benefits all, and above all, then its solution can be made in terms of its economic capabilities

Determining Return on Investment The return on investment (ROI) is a calculation that measures the average rate of return generated from the money invested in a project. Higher ROI indicates that project benefits are far greater than project costs. ROI is a simple calculation that divides a project's net profit (total profit. Total cost) by total cost. Although ROI is commonly used in practice, it has some important limitations and should not be used as a single cost project. The image above includes the ROI calculation for our project example.

Defining a Break-Even Point Another common approach to measuring project pricing is a break-even point. The break-even point (also called the payback method) is defined as the number of years it takes to recover the original investment in a project from net cash flow. As shown in FigureABove, the project’s net cash flow “pays back” the initial investment during the fourth year; this is the year in which the cumulative cash flow numbers become positive. Dividing the difference between the cash flow of the year and the cumulative cash flow by the cash flow of the year determines how far into the break-even year it will happen.
Break-even points are easy to calculate and understand and give an indication of the liquidity of the project or how quickly the project will result in a cash back. Also, projects that generate higher returns early in project life are considered less risky, because we can anticipate short-term events with greater accuracy than we can long-term events. The break-even point ignores the cash flow that occurs after the break-even point has been reached and is therefore biased against long-term projects.

Determining Net Present Values ​​Simple cash flow methods, return on investment, and break-even points, as shown in Figure 1-10, all land divisions do not recognize the value of time. In this analysis, cash flow time is ignored. The dollar in year 3 of the project is considered the same as the dollar in year 1. The net present value (NPV) is used to compare the present value of all currencies
inflows and outflows for projects in today’s dollar terms. The key to understanding current value is to recognize that if you have the current dollar, you can invest it and receive some level of return on your investment. Therefore, a dollar received in the future costs less than a dollar received today, because you reject the potential return. Appendix 1A indicates the current value of the dollar received in the future for several years depending on the visitor level. If you have a friend who owes you a dollar today, but even gave you a dollar in three years - you already have!
Given the visitor rate of 10% of the investment, you will receive the same as 75 cents in the current term.
In the Figure below, the current value of the costs and allowances is calculated and added to our spreadsheet example, using a visitor rate of 6%. NPV is simply the difference between the total present value of the profit and the total present value of the cost. As long as the NPV is larger than zero, the project is considered economically sound.

Organizational Feasibility
The final technique used to analyze success is to assess the likelihood of a system of systems: however, its system will eventually be accepted by its users and incorporated into the ongoing organizational operations. There are many organizational factors that can have an impact on a project, and experienced developers know that organizational possibilities can be the most difficult dimension dimension to assess. In essence, the analysis of the possibility of an organization trying to answer the question "If we build it, why will it come?"

One way to run an organizational qualification for a project is to understand how the project objectives align with the business objectives. Strategic alignment is the fit between a project and a business strategy - better coordination, less risky projects, from an organizational opportunity standpoint. For example, if the marketing department has decided to become more customers
focus, then CRM projects that produce integrated customer information will have a strong strategic seat and marketing goals. Many IT projects fail when the IT department initiates them, because little or nothing fits the unit-business or organization strategy.
A second way to assess organizational feasibility is to conduct stakeholder analysis. 5 Stakeholders are people, groups, or organizations that can affect (or can be affected by) a new system. In general, the most important stakeholders in introducing the new system are project champions, system users, and organizational management (see Figure below), but the system sometimes affects other stakeholders as well. For example, IS majors can be system stakeholders because IS jobs or roles can be significantly changed after system implementation. One of the key stakeholders — outside of champions, users, and management — in the Microsoft project that includes Internet Explorer as part of Windows default is the U.S. Department of Justice.

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