
In: Operations Management

When we think of databases, we think of normalization as well. When we run into issues...

When we think of databases, we think of normalization as well. When we run into issues with redundancy or duplication, it is sometimes a solution to add a table to resolve the issue. Would this be a part of the normalization process?


Expert Solution

Normalization process helps in reducing data redundancies in a database, by applying data analysis to design database (DB). This facilitates DB designer to understand the needed data structure. Also, have standard guidelines to use for the optimal design to reduce redundant data, changes or enhancement needed in future. Thus, the set of entities and rules helps in removing the duplicate data by following the steps such as –

-          Choose the data source and transform into an unnormalized table (aka UNF)

-          Convert UNF data into first normal form data (aka 1NF)

-          From 1NF to 2NF and from 2NF to 3NF and so on based on the anomalies to convert to Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF), 4NF, 5NF, etc.

-          Lastly, data model is formed based on the normalized data.

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