In: Economics
What is
representative democracy? How is it different from direct
democracy? How is this concept revolutionary? How was it a reversal
of traditional ideas? Why/how have we 'forgotten' that this concept
was revolutionary?
Representative democracy vesus direct democrarcy
Democracy is a government system that bases its legitimacy on
the people's participation. The main two types of democracy are
Representative Democracy and Direct
Democracy. A representative democracy refers to a government form
wherein the representatives are elected for making of the policy
and enforcing laws while representing the citizens. On contrary the
direct democracy is superior form of political rule, it can de
defined as system of government wherein the public decisions are
made by the people directly instead of the elected
Representative democracy is a revolutionary concept because when people elect their representative, they hold the power to overthrow their representatives as democracy is based on sovereign's power of people. Moreover the representatives takes into account the interests of all sections in a society , and also to be held accountable for their decisions.
In ancient Greek period direct democracy was first practiced when people could directly participate in making of decision and political affairs of the state, but today due to the vast population it is not possible. As a result they elect others to represent them, making significant decisions on their behalf. Thus this form of direct democracy is reversal of traditional ideas. We have forgotten that this idea was revolutionary because today voter does not have direct control over the outcome; and doesnot lead to national unity