In: Finance
How does the creation of a portfolio reduce risk? What type of assets should be included in a diverse portfolio? Why should they be included?
There is a common saying that 'Never put all your eggs in a single basket'. This is because if that one basket falls, you lose all your eggs.
Same is the case with your investments. If one invests all his money in one asset class, he stands a great risk of loss if that one asset class goes down. The various asset classes that can be invested in as part of portfolio management are as follows:
Thus, there are various asset classes available to investors for the purpose of investing their portfolios.
The portfolio creation helps reducing risk because various asset classes carry different risks and by allocating money to just one of them exposes our money to the asset-specific risk. By allocating money across various asset classes diversify our exposure to multiple asset classes and thus reduce the risk as its far less likely that the risks related to all asset classes will show up as compared to the risk of one asset classes showing up.
Further, many asset classes act as a hedge against one another. For e.g.: when equities do bad, gold generally performs very well. Thus, allocating money to both in a potfolio hedge the investments against one another and reduce the overall risk of the portfolio.