
In: Computer Science

At least almost a page. Do not copy from articles, or from anywhere. Choose either an...

At least almost a page. Do not copy from articles, or from anywhere.

Choose either an individual application or a bundled suite of software and describe the most beneficial features as well as how they apply to your current life or future business plans. Compare these features to any rival applications based on price, system requirements, appearance, differences/similarities, ease of upgrades, etc. Determine any existing or potential competitive advantage that one company may have over another in the market and explain why. (Ex. MS Office vs. OpenOffice, InDesign vs. Quark, Safari vs. IE vs. Chrome, etc.)


Expert Solution

MS Office vs OpenOfffice

Commercially licensed software, such as Microsoft Office, is developed by a single vendor. Its sales help fund product development, testing, marketing, salaries, and shareholder dividends. In contrast, open-source software is developed collaboratively, often by volunteers. Anyone who wishes to use, redistribute, adapt, or improve the code can do so without permission.

  The cost for Open-source applications is nothing. OpenOffice is completely free. Microsoft Office 2016, however, costs from $149.99 to $399.99 depending on the edition, but is available to eligible U.S.-based nonprofits and libraries through TechSoup at a significant discount. Updates to the latest-and-greatest versions of the open-source applications are also free, but the same is not always true for Microsoft Office users.

You can study OpenOffice or LibreOffice and customize it to your needs, improve it, or use the code to create something completely new and release your changes to the public. Microsoft doesn't offer anything comparable.

OpenOffice lack the ribbon toolbar and instead offer a more traditional interface — which makes them intriguing options for Office 2003's steadfast supporters. Anyone who has used Word or Excel 2003 will feel comfortable using their open-source competitors, Write and Calc, while those familiar with newer versions of Office will find them somewhat retro.

OpenOffice and Microsoft Office 2016 will all work fine on most computers, but if your office machines are significantly older, slower, or less powerful than the average modern machine, you'll find OpenOffice and LibreOffice better suited than Office 2016. For instance, Office 2016 requires a minimum of 2 GB RAM and 3 GB of hard-disk space. In contrast, OpenOffice need just 256 MB of RAM (although both recommend 512 MB) and 1.5 GB of hard-disk space.

In the case of Office 2016, Microsoft has established de facto file standards such as .doc and .docx for Word documents and .xls and .xlsx for Excel. If you need to share files with anyone running Office 2003 or older, you may need to convert them to older formats. Microsoft offers a free utility to do this.Office 2016 and its open-source competitors are also incompatible when it comes to macros or spreadsheet pivot tables.

  In Office 2016, Microsoft continues the web collaboration features it introduced in Office 2010 and Office 365. Its integration with OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) makes documents portable and easy to edit on multiple devices. Office 2016 also has the ability to collaborate in real time on a desktop version of Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. OpenOffice has an extension that allows users to access and save files to online storage services, but does not currently offer an online version.

Microsoft Office and OpenOffice  are reasonably secure as long as you follow standard security procedures. Whwn you install updates and patches as soon as they're released, and maintain firewalls, antivirus, and anti-spyware software.

  Open Office comes only in a single version. On the other hand, MS Office has many versions, such as, Professional, Home and Student.
Microsoft office has an excellent cross platform collaboration which lets you save documents on the cloud that can be opened and edited anywhere you would like. On the Contrary, the Open Source office suite has certain cloud limitations and may allow you only to view files.

finally, the selection of software for usage should depends on the application and your needs.

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