
In: Computer Science

***C PROGRAMMING*** Roman Numerals: I           =          1 V          =       


Roman Numerals:

I           =          1

V          =          5

X          =        10

L          =        50

C          =      100

D          =      500

M         =     1000

Use % for modulus division.

Step 1

  • Write a program that will and display 3 menu options. The options are:
  1. Display the first 50 Roman Numerals.
  2. Enter a number to be converted to Roman Numerals.
  3. Exit.
  • Prompt the user for a selection: A, B or C.
  • If the user selects A then print 2 Columns of numbers on the screen. The leftmost column will display the roman numerals for numbers 1 – 25 and the rightmost column will display the roman numerals for number 26 – 50.

For example:

Number/Numeral                                                            Number/Numeral

1 = I                                                                              26 = XXVI

2 = II                                                                             27 = XXVII

3 = III                                                                            28 = XXVIII

4 = IV                                                                           29 = XXIX

5 = V                                                                            30 = XXX




25 = XXV                                                                      50 = L

Press any key to continue?

  • If the user selects B then prompt the user for a number between 1 and 3999 and then display the roman numeral. Only allow positive integers between 1 and 3999. Loop until a valid number is entered
  • If the user selects C then end the program.


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>

void rom(int a) //prints roman value of the number
    int n[] = {1,4,5,9,10,40,50,90,100,400,500,900,1000};
    char* r[] = {"I","IV","V","IX","X","XL","L","XC","C","CD","D","CM","M"};
    int i=12;
      int div = a/n[i];
      a = a%n[i];
       // strcat(res,r[i]);
int main()
  char ch;
    printf("A. Display the first 50 Roman Numerals.");
    printf("\nB. Enter a number to be converted to Roman Numerals.");
    printf("\nC. Exit");
    printf("\nEnter A or B or C\n");
    scanf(" %c",&ch);
    if(ch=='C') //C to exit
    if(ch=='A') //A to print 50 roman valies
      for (int i=1;i<=25;i++)
    if(ch=='B') //B to print desired value of number
      printf("Enter number between 1 to 3999\n");
      int n;
        if(n<1 || n>3999)
          printf("Enter number between 1 to 3999\n");
  return 0;

Terminal Work


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